Machine Intelligence Laboratory

2008 SubjuGator: Generation 6a

An upgraded version of our sixth generation autonomous submarine, SubjuGator, will compete in the 2008 AUVSI/ONR 11th International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition from July 29-Aug 3, 2008. We have updated our SubjuGator 6 for this competiton. With SubjuGator 6a, we added two external pods, re-designed all the electronics, added to our sensor package, doubled the processing power, and more then doubled the battery capacity of the submarine. The mechanical system of SubjuGator 6a continues our recent tradition of a small, light weight, submarine, but also gives us the capability of augmenting it with more sensors and actuators in the future.

SubjuGator is designed to operate underwater at depths up to 100 feet. Two single-board Intel Core 2 Duo based computer running the Windows XP operating system provides processing power necessary for monitoring and controlling all systems. The mission behavior of SubjuGator is controlled with Microsoft Robotics Studio framework communicating with a network of intelligent sensors. The sensor systems include cameras, hydrophones, a Doppler Velocity Log, an Imaging Sonar,a digital compass, altimeter, and internal environment monitor sensors. The submarine also makes use of custom designed motor controllers with current feedback monitoring and other peripherals necessary for completing the mission.

  • More pictures from 2008 competition.
  • SubjuGator 6 information (from 2007).