Source code for alarm_handlers.bus_voltage

import subprocess

from ros_alarms import Alarm, HandlerBase

[docs]class BusVoltage(HandlerBase): """ Alarm used to monitor the voltage of the bus. Attributes: alarm_name (str): The name of the alarm. For all alarms of this type, this is set equal to ``bus-voltage``. """ alarm_name = "bus-voltage" previous_severity = 0 def __init__(self): self.initial_alarm = Alarm(self.alarm_name, False, node_name="alarm_server")
[docs] def raised(self, alarm: Alarm) -> None: """ If the severity of the raised alarm is 3, then an indication is raised to all logged-in users about a low bus voltage. If the raised alarm severity is 5, then a message is displayed to all logged-in users about the bus being killed due to low voltage. Args: alarm (ros_alarms.Alarm): The raised alarm. """ if alarm.severity == 3 and self.previous_severity != 3: subprocess.Popen( 'echo "Warning: bus voltage is low!" | wall', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) self.previous_severity = 3 if alarm.severity == 5 and self.previous_severity != 5: subprocess.Popen( 'echo "Error: Killing due to low bus voltage" | wall', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) self.previous_severity = 5
[docs] def cleared(self, alarm: Alarm) -> None: """ Called when the alarm is cleared. Does nothing. """