Source code for alarm_handlers.height_over_bottom

import rospy
from mil_msgs.msg import RangeStamped
from ros_alarms import Alarm, AlarmBroadcaster, HandlerBase

[docs]class HeightOverBottom(HandlerBase): """ Alarm (inheriting from :class:`ros_alarms.HandlerBase`) which monitors the height of the sub in the water. If too low, then an alarm is triggered. When the sub rises above the limit again, the alarm is cleared. The height to kill at is obtained from Dynamic Reconfigure, or is assumed to be ``0.4``. The height of the sub is checked at 2Hz. Attributes: alarm_name (str): The name of the alarm. Set to ``height-over-bottom``. """ alarm_name = "height-over-bottom" def __init__(self): self._killed = False self._update_height() self.ab = AlarmBroadcaster(self.alarm_name, node_name="height_over_bottom_kill") # Keep track of the current height self._last_height = 100 def set_last_height(msg): return setattr(self, "_last_height", msg.range) rospy.Subscriber("/dvl/range", RangeStamped, set_last_height) # Every 5 seconds, check for an updated height param. A pseudo dynamic reconfig thing. rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(5), self._update_height) # This should smooth out random dips below the limit rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.5), self._do_check) def _do_check(self, *args): if self._last_height <= self._height_to_kill and not self._killed: rospy.logwarn("SUB TOO LOW!") self.ab.raise_alarm( problem_description=f"The sub was too low: {self._last_height}", parameters={"height": self._last_height}, severity=5, ) elif self._last_height >= self._height_to_kill and self._killed: rospy.logwarn("REVIVING") self.ab.clear_alarm() def _update_height(self, *args): self._height_to_kill = rospy.get_param("/height_over_bottom", 0.4)
[docs] def raised(self, alarm: Alarm) -> None: """ Triggers when the alarm is raised. Sets the state of the alarm monitor to represent that the alarm was killed. Parameters: alarm (ros_alarms.Alarm): The alarm which was raised. """ self._killed = True
[docs] def cleared(self, alarm: Alarm) -> None: """ Triggers when the alarm is cleared. Sets the state of the alarm monitor to Parameters: alarm (ros_alarms.Alarm): The alarm which was cleared. """ self._killed = False