Source code for alarm_handlers.kill

import os
from threading import Condition

import rospy
from actionlib import SimpleActionClient, TerminalState
from mil_msgs.msg import BagOnlineAction, BagOnlineGoal
from ros_alarms import Alarm, HandlerBase
from std_srvs.srv import SetBool

[docs]class Kill(HandlerBase): """ Generic kill used to represent the state of an alarm. Uses a threading condition to manage access Attributes: alarm_name (str): The name of the alarm. Set to ``kill``. condition (threading.Condition): The threading condition used to manage the shared access to the motherboard. HARDWARE_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS (int): The number of seconds to wait for the hardware kill to be removed after asking for it to be removed. If the kill has not been removed within this amount of time, the motherboard kill is reinstated. Set to ``6 seconds``. """ alarm_name = "kill" HARDWARE_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS = 6.0 def __init__(self): # Alarm server will set this as the initial state of kill alarm (starts killed) self.initial_alarm = Alarm( self.alarm_name, True, node_name="alarm_server", problem_description="Initial kill", ) self._killed = True self.first = True self._last_mission_killed = False self.condition = Condition() self.bag_client = SimpleActionClient("/online_bagger/bag", BagOnlineAction) self._set_mobo_kill = rospy.ServiceProxy("/set_mobo_kill", SetBool) try: self._set_mobo_kill.wait_for_service(3.0) except rospy.ROSException: rospy.logerr("Could not contact kill board! Kills will only be software") self.set_mobo_kill(True) # Tell HW that we started off as killed
[docs] def set_mobo_kill(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Sets a motherboard kill. Raises: rospy.ServiceException: Error in sending a motherboard kill. """ try: return self._set_mobo_kill(*args, **kwargs) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logwarn(f"Error sending motherboard kill: {e}") return None
[docs] def raised(self, alarm: Alarm) -> None: """ Called when the alarm is raised. Sets the motherboard kill and attempts to dump the related logging info to a bag file, using the :attr:`~.condition`. At the end of the use of the condition, the condition is notified. Parameters: alarm (ros_alarms.Alarm): The alarm which was raised. """ with self.condition: # Send kill command to kill board when alarm is raised self.set_mobo_kill(True) if not self._killed: self._killed = True self.bagger_dump() self.first = False self.condition.notify()
[docs] def cleared(self, alarm: Alarm): """ Called when the alarm is cleared. Attempts to use `~.condition` to unset the motherboard kill. If the motherboard kill can't be deactivated, then it is reinstated and a warning is logged. Parameters: alarm (ros_alarms.Alarm): The alarm which was cleared. """ with self.condition: self.set_mobo_kill(False) if self.get_alarm("hw-kill").raised: self.condition.wait(self.HARDWARE_KILL_GRACE_PERIOD_SECONDS) if self.get_alarm("hw-kill").raised: rospy.logwarn("Attempted to clear kill but hw-kill is still raised") self.set_mobo_kill(True) return False self._killed = False
def _bag_done_cb(self, status, result): if status == 3: rospy.loginfo(f"KILL BAG WRITTEN TO {result.filename}") else: rospy.logwarn( f"KILL BAG {TerminalState.to_string(status)}, status: {result.status}", )
[docs] def bagger_dump(self): """ Bags the related log information to a list of relevant topics. """ if self.first: return if "BAG_ALWAYS" not in os.environ or "bag_kill" not in os.environ: rospy.logwarn("BAG_ALWAYS or BAG_KILL not set. Not making kill bag.") return goal = BagOnlineGoal(bag_name="kill.bag") goal.topics = os.environ["BAG_ALWAYS"] + " " + os.environ["BAG_KILL"] self.bag_client.send_goal(goal, done_cb=self._bag_done_cb)
def meta_predicate(self, meta_alarm, sub_alarms): ignore = [] with self.condition: if not sub_alarms["hw-kill"].raised: self.condition.notify() # Stay killed until user clears if self._killed: return True # Battery too low if sub_alarms["bus-voltage"].raised and sub_alarms["bus-voltage"].severity == 5: return True ignore.append("bus-voltage") if sub_alarms["odom-kill"].raised and sub_alarms["odom-kill"].severity == 5: return True ignore.append("odom-kill") # If we lose network but don't want to go autonomous if sub_alarms["network-loss"].raised and not rospy.get_param( "/autonomous", False, ): return True ignore.append("network-loss") # Severity level of 3 means too many thrusters out (3 thrusters out) if ( sub_alarms["thruster-out"].raised and sub_alarms["thruster-out"].severity == 3 ): return True ignore.append("thruster-out") # If a mission wants us to kill, go ahead and kill if sub_alarms["mission-kill"].raised: self._last_mission_killed = True return True elif self._last_mission_killed: self._last_mission_killed = False # If we weren't killed by another source, clear the kill if not self._killed: return False ignore.append("mission-kill") # Raised if any alarms besides the two above are raised return any( alarm.raised for name, alarm in sub_alarms.items() if name not in ignore )