Source code for axros.publisher

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import traceback
import warnings
from io import BytesIO
from types import TracebackType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, TypeVar

from axros import exceptions, tcpros, types

    from .nodehandle import NodeHandle

M = TypeVar("M", bound=types.Message)

[docs]class Publisher(Generic[M]): """ A Publisher in the axros suite. Allows for the publishing of messages onto a certain ROS topic. This class should usually be made through :meth:`axros.NodeHandle.advertise`. Before use, the publisher must be :meth:`~.setup` and after use, it must be :meth:`~.shutdown`. .. container:: operations .. describe:: async with x: On entering the block, the publisher is :meth:`~.setup`; upon leaving the block, the publisher is :meth:`~.shutdown`. Attributes: message_type (type[genpy.Message]): The type of message being published on the topic. """ _connections: dict[asyncio.StreamWriter, str] _name: str _node_handle: NodeHandle _is_running: bool def __init__( self, node_handle: NodeHandle, name: str, message_type: type[M], latching: bool = False, ): """ Args: node_handle (NodeHandle): The node handle to associate with this publisher. Used to communicate with the ROS master server. name (str): The name of the publisher topic. message_type (Type[genpy.Message]): The message type that will be published on the topic. latching (bool): Enables latching on the publisher. This ensures that all new connections are immediately sent the most recently sent message when they connect to the publisher. """ self._node_handle = node_handle self._name = self._node_handle.resolve_name(name) self.message_type = message_type self._latching = latching self._last_message_data = None self._connections = {} self._node_handle.shutdown_callbacks.add(self.shutdown) self._is_running = False self._shutdown_event = asyncio.Event() def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"<axros.Publisher at 0x{id(self):0x}, " f"name={self._name} " f"running={self.is_running()} " f"message_type={self.message_type} " f"latching={self._latching} " f"node_handle={self._node_handle}>" ) __repr__ = __str__
[docs] async def setup(self) -> None: """ Sets up the publisher by registering the name of the publisher with ROS and registering callbacks associated with the publisher with the parent node handle. This should always be called before the publisher is ever used. """ if self.is_running(): raise exceptions.AlreadySetup(self, self._node_handle) if ("topic", self._name) in self._node_handle.tcpros_handlers: self._node_handle.tcpros_handlers[("topic", self._name)].append( self._handle_tcpros_conn ) else: self._node_handle.tcpros_handlers[("topic", self._name)] = [ self._handle_tcpros_conn ] if ("requestTopic", self._name) in self._node_handle.xmlrpc_handlers: self._node_handle.xmlrpc_handlers[("requestTopic", self._name)].append( self._handle_requestTopic ) else: self._node_handle.xmlrpc_handlers[("requestTopic", self._name)] = [ self._handle_requestTopic ] # Register the publisher with the master ROS node await self._node_handle.master_proxy.register_publisher( self._name, self.message_type._type, self._node_handle.xmlrpc_server_uri, ) self._is_running = True
def __del__(self): if self._is_running: warnings.simplefilter("always", ResourceWarning) warnings.warn( f"The '{self._name}' publisher was never shutdown(). This may cause issues with this instance of ROS - please fix the errors and completely restart ROS.", ResourceWarning, ) warnings.simplefilter("default", ResourceWarning) async def __aenter__(self) -> Publisher: await self.setup() return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: type[Exception], exc_value: Exception, traceback: TracebackType ): await self.shutdown() async def _close_connections(self): self._shutdown_event.set() while self._connections: await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
[docs] async def shutdown(self): """ Shuts the publisher down. All operations scheduled by the publisher are cancelled. Raises: ResourceWarning: The publisher is not running. It may need to be :meth:`~.setup`. """ if not self._is_running: warnings.simplefilter("always", ResourceWarning) warnings.warn( f"The {self._name} subscriber is not currently running. It may have been shutdown previously or never started.", ResourceWarning, ) warnings.simplefilter("default", ResourceWarning) return try: await self._node_handle.master_proxy.unregister_publisher( self._name, self._node_handle.xmlrpc_server_uri ) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() await self._close_connections() handlers = self._node_handle.tcpros_handlers[("topic", self._name)] handlers.remove(self._handle_tcpros_conn) if not handlers: del self._node_handle.tcpros_handlers[("topic", self._name)] handlers = self._node_handle.xmlrpc_handlers[("requestTopic", self._name)] handlers.remove(self._handle_requestTopic) if not handlers: del self._node_handle.xmlrpc_handlers[("requestTopic", self._name)] self._node_handle.shutdown_callbacks.discard(self.shutdown) self._is_running = False
def _handle_requestTopic(self, protocols) -> tuple[int, str, list[str | int]]: del protocols # This method is protocol-agnostic return ( 1, "ready on " + self._node_handle._tcpros_server_uri, [ "TCPROS", self._node_handle._tcpros_server_addr[0], self._node_handle._tcpros_server_addr[1], ], )
[docs] def is_running(self) -> bool: """ Returns: bool: Whether the publisher is running. ``True`` when the publisher is :meth:`~.setup` and ``False`` otherwise (including when the node handle or publisher is shutdown). """ return self._is_running
async def _handle_tcpros_conn( self, headers: dict[str, str], reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, ) -> None: try: tcpros.send_string( tcpros.serialize_dict( dict( callerid=self._node_handle._name, type=self.message_type._type, md5sum=self.message_type._md5sum, latching="1" if self._latching else "0", ) ), writer, ) if self._latching and self._last_message_data is not None: tcpros.send_string(self._last_message_data, writer) self._connections[writer] = headers["callerid"] await self._shutdown_event.wait() except (asyncio.IncompleteReadError, BrokenPipeError, ConnectionResetError): # Exceptions related to client exiting - ignore pass finally: del self._connections[writer] writer.close() await writer.wait_closed()
[docs] def publish(self, msg: M) -> None: """ Publishes a message onto the topic. The message is serialized and sent to all connections connected to the publisher. Args: msg (genpy.Message): The ROS message to send to all connected clients. Raises: TypeError: The message type was invalid. NotSetup: The publisher was not :meth:`~.setup` or was previously :meth:`~.shutdown`. """ if not isinstance(msg, self.message_type): raise TypeError( f"Cannot publish message of type {msg.__class__} on {self._name} publisher, which only accepts {self.message_type}." ) if not self.is_running(): raise exceptions.NotSetup(self, self._node_handle) buff = BytesIO() msg.serialize(buff) data = buff.getvalue() for conn in self._connections: tcpros.send_string(data, conn) if self._latching: self._last_message_data = data
[docs] def get_connections(self): """ Gets connections to the publisher. Returns: list[str]: The list of nodes connected to the publisher. """ return list(self._connections.values())