Source code for lqrrt.constraints

Class for lqrrt constraints.

An instance of this class must be given to an lqRRT planner
to fully define the search problem.

################################################# DEPENDENCIES

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl

from typing import Callable

################################################# PRIMARY CLASS

[docs]class Constraints: """ The constraints of the lqRRT system. Args: nstates: int - The dimensionality of the state space. ncontrols: int - The dimensionality of the effort space. goal_buffer: np.ndarray - Half-edge lengths of box defining goal region. is_feasible: np.ndarray - Function that takes a state and effort and returns a bool. """ def __init__( self, nstates: int, ncontrols: int, goal_buffer: np.ndarray, is_feasible: Callable, ): self.nstates = nstates self.ncontrols = ncontrols self.set_buffers(goal_buffer) self.set_feasibility_function(is_feasible) #################################################
[docs] def set_buffers(self, goal_buffer: np.ndarray = None) -> None: """ Sets the goal buffer constraints on the lqRRT system. Args: goal_buffer: np.ndarray - Half-edge lengths of a box defining the goal region. Raises: ValueError - The goal buffer does not have the same dimensionality as the state, or its length is not equal to the number of states. """ if goal_buffer is not None: if len(goal_buffer) == self.nstates: self.goal_buffer = np.abs(goal_buffer).astype(np.float64) else: raise ValueError( "The goal_buffer must have same dimensionality as state." )
[docs] def set_feasibility_function(self, is_feasible: Callable) -> None: """ Sets the feasibility function for the lqRRT system. Args: is_feasible: Callable - The method that determines the feasibility of movement. Raises: ValueError - is_feasible is not a method. """ if hasattr(is_feasible, "__call__"): self.is_feasible = is_feasible else: raise ValueError("Expected is_feasible to be a function.")