Source code for mil_missions_core.mission_client

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Callable

import rospy
from actionlib import SimpleActionClient
from mil_missions.msg import DoMissionAction, DoMissionGoal, DoMissionResult
from roboteq_msgs.msg import Feedback

[docs]class MissionClient(SimpleActionClient): """ Extends SimpleActionClient to do bootstrap of making a mission client for you. """ NS = "/mission" LIST_PARAM = "/available_missions" def __init__(self): SimpleActionClient.__init__(self, self.NS, DoMissionAction)
[docs] @classmethod def available_missions(cls) -> Any | None: """ Returns a list of available missions or None if parameter is not set. Returns: Optional[Any]: The list of available missions. This is typed as Any currently because it is not yet known what type is returned by the parameter request. """ if not rospy.has_param(cls.LIST_PARAM): return None return rospy.get_param(cls.LIST_PARAM)
[docs] def cancel_mission(self): """ Send a goal to cancel the current mission. """ self.cancel_all_goals()
def get_result(self) -> DoMissionResult | None: return super().get_result() def get_state(self) -> int | None: return super().get_state()
[docs] def run_mission( self, mission: str, parameters: str = "", done_cb: Callable[[int, Any], None] | None = None, active_cb: Callable[[], None] | None = None, feedback_cb: Callable[[Feedback], None] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Send a goal to start a new mission with the specified parameters. Args: mission (str): The name of the mission to start. parameters (str): The parameters to send to the mission. Defaults to an empty string. done_cb (Optional[Callable[[int, Any], None]]): The callback function to send to the action client to execute when the goal is done. The callable should take two parameters: an integer (specifically, an enumerated integer value from :class:`actionlib_msgs.msg._GoalStatus.GoalStatus`) and the result. active_cb (Optional[Callable[[], None]]): The callback function that gets called on transitions to an active state. feedback_cb (Optional[Callable[[Any], None]]): Callback that is executed when feedback for the goal is received. The callback should take one parameter: the feedback received. """ goal = DoMissionGoal(mission=mission, parameters=parameters) return self.send_goal( goal, done_cb=done_cb, active_cb=active_cb, feedback_cb=feedback_cb, )