Source code for mil_passive_sonar.scripts.triggering

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import rospy
from mil_passive_sonar import util
from mil_passive_sonar.msg import HydrophoneSamplesStamped, Ping, Triggered
from mil_passive_sonar.streamed_bandpass import StreamedBandpass
from mil_ros_tools import Plotter, interweave
from rospy.numpy_msg import numpy_msg
from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter1d
from std_msgs.msg import Header
from std_srvs.srv import (

[docs]class HydrophoneTrigger: """ ROS Node meant to trigger only when a ping happens in our target frequency range. Subscribes to raw hydrophone samples on ``/samples``. Publishes samples (of gradient) from right around the triggering on ``/pings`` when a ping is detected and found to be in the target frequency range. Optionally, you can publish a plot of the frequency response of the filter on `/filter_debug` by service calling `/filter_debug_trigger`. Attributes: general_lower (int): The lower bound of the frequency range. Set to the frequency of the lowest frequency pinger - 10 kHz. general_upper (int): The upper bound of the frequency range. Set to the frequency of the lowest frequency pinger - 10 kHz. time (float): The amount of time that has passed since recording started, according to the messages received. window_time (float): The maximum number of seconds to wait for another ping. pub (rospy.Publisher): A publisher for the ``/pings`` topic. Publishes :class:`Triggered` messages. sub (Optional[rospy.Subscriber]): A subscriber to the ``/samples`` topic. Receives either a :class:`~mil_passive_sonar.msg._Ping.Ping` or :class:`~mil_passive_sonar.msg._HydrophoneSamplesStamped.HydrophoneSamplesStamped` message, and sends the message to :meth:`.hydrophones_cb`. trigger_debug (Plotter): A plotter responsible for publishing debug data about the triggering behavior of the system. """ def __init__(self): # Attributes about our general frequency range (all pinger live here) # Frequency range garunteed to be relatively quiet except for the pingers (in Hz) self.general_lower = 15000 # lowest frequency pinger - 10 kHz self.general_upper = 50000 # highest frequency pinger + 10 kHz # Misc Attributes # time (from start of samples) self.time = 0.0 # max convolution window, the amount of time that we assume should be quiet before a ping in sec self.window_time = 0.1 # prev data buffer self.prev_data = None # Ros stuff rospy.init_node("hydrophone_trigger") # used for old bags msg_type = rospy.get_param("~sample_msg_type") if msg_type == "Ping": self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("samples", numpy_msg(Ping), self.hydrophones_cb) elif msg_type == "HydrophoneSamplesStamped": self.sub = rospy.Subscriber( "samples", numpy_msg(HydrophoneSamplesStamped), self.hydrophones_cb, ) else: rospy.logfatal("sample_msg_type not supported") return = rospy.Publisher("pings", numpy_msg(Triggered), queue_size=1) rospy.Service("~filter_debug_trigger", Trigger, self.filter_response) rospy.Service("~enable", SetBool, self.enable) rospy.Service("~reset", Trigger, self.reset) # Debug attributes # Debug plot publishers self.trigger_debug = Plotter("~trigger_debug") self.sample_at_trigger_debug = Plotter("~sample_at_trigger_debug") self.filter_debug = Plotter("~filter_debug") self.get_params() def get_params(self): self.enabled = rospy.get_param("~enable_on_launch") # Attributes about our target frequency range # target Frequency in Hz = rospy.get_param("~target_frequency") # tolerance around that frequerncy in Hz tolerance = rospy.get_param("~frequency_tolerance") # Filter attributes # special filter property, do not change in Hz trans_width = 500 # Filter order for bandpass filter, (higher is better, but slower to compute) filt_order = 6000 # reset bandpass filter self.bandpass_filter = StreamedBandpass( - tolerance, + tolerance, trans_width, filt_order, ) # Physical Properties # min time between pings (of any kind) in sec self.min_time_between_pings = rospy.get_param("~min_time_between_pings") self.prev_trigger_time = -1 * self.min_time_between_pings self.dist_h = rospy.get_param("dist_h") self.v_sound = rospy.get_param("v_sound") # Misc attributes # minimum gradient of the max convolution wrt time to trigger a time of arrivals calculation self.threshold = rospy.get_param("~threshold") self.trigger_offset = rospy.get_param("~trigger_offset") # how far after the triggering time to make upper bound of samples at triggering in sec self.trigger_window_future = 1.0 * (self.dist_h / self.v_sound) # how far before the triggering time to make lower bound of samples at triggering in sec self.trigger_window_past = 1.0 * (self.dist_h / self.v_sound)
[docs] def reset(self, req: TriggerRequest) -> TriggerResponse: """ Resets the system using the :meth`.get_params` method. Args: req (TriggerRequest): The request received. Returns: TriggerResponse: Whether the reset request was successful. """ res = TriggerResponse() res.success = True self.get_params() return res
[docs] def enable(self, req: SetBoolRequest) -> SetBoolResponse: """ Enables the system; can be called through a :class:`SetBoolRequest` request. Args: req (SetBoolRequest): The service request. Returns: SetBoolResponse: The response to the service request. """ self.enabled = res = SetBoolResponse() res.success = True return res
[docs] def filter_response(self, req: TriggerRequest) -> TriggerResponse: """ Filters the debug service. Serves as a callback to the service. Args: req (TriggerRequest): The trigger request. Returns: TriggerResponse: The response to the request. """ res = TriggerResponse() if self.bandpass_filter.h is None: res.message = "filter has not yet been created (created on the first callback after target being set)" res.success = False return res x, y = util.find_freq_response( self.bandpass_filter.h, self.rate, self.general_lower, self.general_upper, ) plots = np.vstack((x, y)) titles = ["frequency (Hz) vs Gain (dB)"] self.filter_debug.publish_plots(plots, titles=titles) res.success = True return res
[docs] def hydrophones_cb(self, msg: Union[Ping, HydrophoneSamplesStamped]) -> None: """ The callback to the hydrophone samples topic. Can receive either a :class:`~mil_passive_sonar.msg._Ping.Ping` or :class:`~mil_passive_sonar.msg._HydrophoneSamplesStamped.HydrophoneSamplesStamped` message. Args: msg (Union[Ping, HydrophoneSamplesStamped]): The message that can be received by the callback. """ # Record start time of cb to make sure we are running in real time start_cb = rospy.get_rostime() if isinstance(msg, numpy_msg(Ping)): msg_channels = msg.channels msg_samples = msg.samples msg_sample_rate = msg.sample_rate msg_data = elif isinstance(msg, numpy_msg(HydrophoneSamplesStamped)): msg_channels = msg.hydrophone_samples.channels msg_samples = msg.hydrophone_samples.samples msg_sample_rate = msg.hydrophone_samples.sample_rate msg_data = # if not enabled, go no further if not self.enabled: return if self.bandpass_filter.rate is None: self.rate = msg_sample_rate self.window_size = int(self.window_time * self.rate) self.bandpass_filter.rate = self.rate self.bandpass_filter.make_filter() # Resize the 1d array to be a 2d array of samples by channels msg_data.resize(msg_samples, msg_channels) # Apply a bandpass filter to the data for our general frequency range (on all channels) new_data = self.bandpass_filter.convolve(msg_data) # We always look at 2 messages of data at a time concatenated (0.1 sec each msg (for sylphase board)) if self.prev_data is None: self.prev_data = new_data return else: data = np.concatenate((self.prev_data, new_data)) # Time according to the passive sonar interface (assuming no missed messages) time = np.linspace( self.time, self.time + data.shape[0] / float(self.rate), data.shape[0], ) # only use hydrophone 0 to trigger, more efficient # do a max convolution on the data max_convolves = np.apply_along_axis( lambda x: maximum_filter1d(x, self.window_size, axis=0), 0, data, ) max_convolve = max_convolves[:, 0] # NOTE: No need to crop because zero padding is used and we are doing a max convolution # take the gradient of the max convolution (we are looking for steep increase = big gradient) gradients = np.gradient(max_convolves, axis=0) if np.max(gradients[:, 0]) >= self.threshold: triggered_at_idx = np.min(np.where(gradients[:, 0] >= self.threshold)[0]) triggered_at_idx += int(self.trigger_offset * self.rate) trigger_time = time[triggered_at_idx] # if we have triggered very recently, do not trigger (echo protection) if trigger_time - self.prev_trigger_time > self.min_time_between_pings: self.prev_trigger_time = trigger_time start = triggered_at_idx - int(self.rate * self.trigger_window_past) end = triggered_at_idx + int(self.rate * self.trigger_window_future) ping_data = gradients[start:end] triggered_at_sample = triggered_at_idx + (self.window_size - 1) / 2 start_sample = triggered_at_sample - int( 50 * self.rate * self.trigger_window_past, ) end_sample = triggered_at_sample + int( 50 * self.rate * self.trigger_window_future, ) ping_samples = data[start_sample:end_sample] try: freq = util.find_freq(ping_samples, self.rate) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn(f"/hydrophone/triggering in find_freq {e}") freq = rospy.loginfo(f"triggered at {trigger_time:f} on {freq:f} Hz") ping = Triggered() ping.header = Header() ping.header.stamp = ping.hydrophone_samples.channels = msg_channels ping.hydrophone_samples.samples = end - start ping.hydrophone_samples.sample_rate = self.rate = ping_data.flatten() ping.trigger_time = -1 * ( trigger_time - ( ( 2 * trigger_time - self.trigger_window_past + self.trigger_window_future ) / 2 ) ) trigger_time_samples = ( triggered_at_sample / float(self.rate) ) + self.time if self.trigger_debug.is_go(): plot_data = data[:, 0] titles = [ "time vs Gradient of Max convolve", f"time vs max_convolve (Window = {self.window_time} sec)", "time vs hydrophone0 data", ] vlines = [trigger_time, trigger_time, trigger_time_samples] plotable = np.vstack((gradients[:, 0], max_convolve, plot_data)) plots = interweave(time, plotable) self.trigger_debug.publish_plots(plots, titles, vlines) if self.sample_at_trigger_debug.is_go(): plot_time = time[start_sample:end_sample] plots = interweave(plot_time, ping_samples.transpose()) titles = ["h%i" % i for i in range(4)] vline = [trigger_time_samples] self.sample_at_trigger_debug.publish_plots(plots, titles, vline) self.time += msg_samples / float(self.rate) self.prev_data = new_data spare_time = (float(msg_samples) / self.rate) - ( rospy.get_rostime() - start_cb ).to_sec() if spare_time < 0: rospy.logwarn( f"Spare Time After Callback: {spare_time}, Running slower than real time", )
if __name__ == "__main__": a = HydrophoneTrigger() rospy.spin()