Source code for mil_pneumatic_actuator.simulated_board

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import rospy
from mil_misc_tools.serial_tools import SimulatedSerial

from .constants import Constants

[docs]class SimulatedPnuematicActuatorBoard(SimulatedSerial): """ A simulation of the pneumatic actuator board's serial protocol """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__()
[docs] def write(self, data: bytes): """ Writes a series of bytes and completes the necessary actions. """ request = Constants.deserialize_packet(data) request = request[0] if request == Constants.PING_REQUEST: # rospy.loginfo("Ping received") byte = Constants.PING_RESPONSE elif request > 0x20 and request < 0x30: rospy.loginfo(f"Open port {request - 0x20}") byte = Constants.OPEN_RESPONSE elif request > 0x30 and request < 0x40: rospy.loginfo(f"Close port {request - 0x30}") byte = Constants.CLOSE_RESPONSE else: rospy.loginfo("Default") byte = 0x00 self.buffer += Constants.serialize_packet(byte) return len(data)