Source code for navigator_path_planner.nodes.path_planner

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from types import ModuleType
from typing import List, Optional

import actionlib
import cv2  # for occupancy grid analysis
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl
import rospy

# Check scipy version for assume_sorted argument in interp1d
import scipy.interpolate
import tf.transformations as trns
from geometry_msgs.msg import (
from mil_tools import numpy_to_quaternion
from nav_msgs.msg import OccupancyGrid, Odometry
from navigator_path_planner import boat, car, escape, params
from navigator_path_planner.msg import MoveAction, MoveFeedback, MoveGoal, MoveResult

if int(scipy.__version__.split(".")[1]) < 16:

    def interp1d(*args, **kwargs):
        kwargs.pop("assume_sorted", None)
        return scipy.interpolate.interp1d(*args, **kwargs)

    interp1d = scipy.interpolate.interp1d


[docs]class LQRRT_Node: """ Example of a ROS node that uses lqRRT for a big boat. This node subscribes to the current boat state (Odometry message), and the world-frame ogrid (OccupancyGrid message). It publishes the REFerence trajectory that moves to the goal, as an Odometry message. It provides an action for moving said reference to that goal (Move.action). Attributes: revisit_period (float): When to refresh the core of the planner. ref_pub (rospy.Publisher): The publisher serving the lqRRT reference topic name. path_pub (rospy.Publisher): Publisher responsible for publishing a PoseArray to the provided path topic. tree_pub (rospy.Publisher): Publisher responsible for publishing a PoseArray to the provided tree topic. unreachable (bool): Whether the planner sees a goal as being unreachable. Defaults to ``false``. done (bool): Whether the planner has finished its movement. Defaults to ``false``. move_type (MoveAction): How the boat is planning to move towards its goal. """ def __init__( self, odom_topic: str, ref_topic: str, move_topic: str, path_topic: str, tree_topic: str, goal_topic: str, focus_topic: str, effort_topic: str, ogrid_topic: str, ogrid_threshold: str, ): """ Initialize with topic names and ogrid threshold as applicable. Defaults are generated at the ROS params level. Args: odom_topic (str): The name of the topic supplying Odometry messages. ref_topic (str): The lqRRT reference topic name. move_topic (str): The name of the topic hosting the SimpleActionServer and topic of where to move to. path_topic (str): The name of the lqRRT path topic name. tree_topic (str): The name of the topic holding the lqRRT tree. goal_topic (str): The name of the topic holding the lqRRT goal. focus_topic (str): The name of the topic holding the lqRRT focus. effort_topic (str): The name of the topic hosting the lqRRT effort wrenches. ogrid_topic (str): The name of the topic holding the occupancy grid. ogrid_threshold (str): An occupancy grid cell which exceeds this value will be marked as filled. The value will be converted to a float in the class. """ # One-time initializations self.revisit_period = 0.05 # s self.ogrid = None self.ogrid_threshold = float(ogrid_threshold) self.state = None self.tracking = None self.done = True # Lil helpers self.rostime = lambda: self.intup = lambda arr: tuple(np.array(arr, dtype=np.int64)) self.get_hood = lambda img, row, col: img[row - 1 : row + 2, col - 1 : col + 2] # Set-up planners self.behaviors_list = [car, boat, escape] for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.set_system(erf=self.erf) behavior.planner.set_runtime(sys_time=self.rostime) behavior.planner.constraints.set_feasibility_function(self.is_feasible) # Initialize resettable stuff self.reset() # Subscribers rospy.Subscriber(odom_topic, Odometry, self.odom_cb) rospy.Subscriber(ogrid_topic, OccupancyGrid, self.ogrid_cb) rospy.sleep(0.5) # Publishers self.ref_pub = rospy.Publisher(ref_topic, Odometry, queue_size=1) self.path_pub = rospy.Publisher(path_topic, PoseArray, queue_size=3) self.tree_pub = rospy.Publisher(tree_topic, PoseArray, queue_size=3) self.goal_pub = rospy.Publisher(goal_topic, PoseStamped, queue_size=3) self.focus_pub = rospy.Publisher(focus_topic, PointStamped, queue_size=3) self.eff_pub = rospy.Publisher(effort_topic, WrenchStamped, queue_size=3) self.sampspace_pub = rospy.Publisher( sampspace_topic, PolygonStamped, queue_size=3, ) self.guide_pub = rospy.Publisher(guide_topic, PointStamped, queue_size=3) # Actions self.move_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( move_topic, MoveAction, execute_cb=self.move_cb, auto_start=False, ) self.move_server.start() rospy.sleep(1) # Timers rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(self.revisit_period), self.publish_ref) rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(self.revisit_period), self.action_check)
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Resets variables that should definitely be cleared before a new action begins. """ # Internal plan self.goal = None self.get_ref = None self.get_eff = None self.x_seq = None self.u_seq = None self.tree = None self.dt = params.dt # Behavior control self.move_type = None self.behavior = None self.enroute_behavior = None self.goal_bias = None self.sample_space = None = None self.speed_factor = np.array(1) # Planning control self.last_update_time = None self.next_runtime = None self.next_seed = None self.move_count = 0 self.initial_plan_time = params.basic_duration self.blind = False # Issue control self.stuck = False self.stuck_count = 0 self.fail_count = 0 self.time_till_issue = None self.failure_reason = "" self.preempted = False self.unreachable = False self.collided = False # Unkill all planners self.lock_tree = False for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.unkill()
[docs] def move_cb(self, msg: MoveAction) -> Optional[bool]: """ Callback for the move action. Args: msg (MoveAction): The action passed by the action client. Returns: Optional[bool]: ??? """ # Start clean self.done = False self.reset() print("=" * 50) # Make sure odom is publishing (well, at least once) if self.state is None: print("Cannot plan until odom is received!\n") self.move_server.set_aborted(MoveResult("odom")) self.done = True return False # Give desired pose to everyone who needs it self.set_goal(self.unpack_pose(msg.goal)) # Check given move_type if msg.move_type in [ MoveGoal.HOLD, MoveGoal.DRIVE, MoveGoal.DRIVE_SMOOTH, MoveGoal.SKID, MoveGoal.SPIRAL, MoveGoal.BYPASS, ]: if msg.blind: self.blind = True print(f"Preparing: blind {msg.move_type}") else: print(f"Preparing: {msg.move_type}") self.move_type = msg.move_type else: print(f"Unsupported move_type: '{msg.move_type}'\n") self.move_server.set_aborted(MoveResult("move_type")) self.done = True return False # Station keeping move if self.move_type == MoveGoal.HOLD: self.set_goal(self.state) self.last_update_time = self.rostime() remain = np.copy(self.goal) self.get_ref = lambda t: remain print("\nDone!\n") self.move_server.set_succeeded(MoveResult(self.failure_reason)) self.done = True return True # Bypass move if self.move_type == MoveGoal.BYPASS: if self.is_feasible(self.goal, np.zeros(3)) or self.blind: self.last_update_time = self.rostime() remain = np.copy(self.goal) self.get_ref = lambda t: remain print("\nDone!\n") self.move_server.set_succeeded(MoveResult(self.failure_reason)) self.done = True return True else: print("\nGoal infeasible! Bypass move rejected.\n") self.move_server.set_aborted(MoveResult("occupied")) self.done = True return False # Make sure we are not already in a collided state # if not self.is_feasible(self.state, np.zeros(3)) and not self.blind: # print("\nCan't move. Already collided.\n") # self.move_server.set_aborted(MoveResult('collided')) # self.done = True # return False # Check given focus if self.move_type == MoveGoal.SKID: if msg.focus.z == 0: boat.focus = None self.focus_pub.publish( self.pack_pointstamped([1e6, 1e6, 1e6],, ) else: boat.focus = np.array([msg.focus.x, msg.focus.y, 0]) focus_vec = boat.focus[:2] - self.goal[:2] focus_goal = np.copy(self.goal) focus_goal[2] = np.arctan2(focus_vec[1], focus_vec[0]) self.set_goal(focus_goal) self.focus_pub.publish( self.pack_pointstamped(boat.focus,, ) print(f"Focused on: {boat.focus[:2]}") elif self.move_type == MoveGoal.SPIRAL: boat.focus = np.array([msg.focus.x, msg.focus.y, msg.focus.z]) self.focus_pub.publish(self.pack_pointstamped(boat.focus, if boat.focus[2] >= 0: print(f"Focused on: {boat.focus[:2]}, counterclockwise") if boat.focus[2] == 0: boat.focus[2] = 1 else: print(f"Focused on: {boat.focus[:2]}, clockwise") else: boat.focus = None self.focus_pub.publish( self.pack_pointstamped([1e6, 1e6, 1e6],, ) # Store the initial planning time, if specified if msg.initial_plan_time > 0: print(f"Initial plan time: {msg.initial_plan_time}") self.initial_plan_time = msg.initial_plan_time # Apply the speed factor, if specified msg.speed_factor = np.array(msg.speed_factor).flatten() if len(msg.speed_factor) == 0: pass elif len(msg.speed_factor) not in [1, 3]: print( "(WARNING: expected speed_factor to be a scalar or in the form [x, y, h])", ) else: for i, sf in enumerate(msg.speed_factor): if np.isclose(sf, 0) or sf < 0: msg.speed_factor[i] = 1 if not np.all(msg.speed_factor == 1): self.speed_factor = np.copy(msg.speed_factor) print(f"Speed_factor: {self.speed_factor}") if np.any(self.speed_factor < 1) and self.dt > 0.05: self.dt *= np.min(self.speed_factor) print(f"(using smaller timestep: {self.dt} s)") for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.dt = self.dt behavior.velmax_pos = self.speed_factor * params.velmax_pos behavior.velmax_neg = self.speed_factor * params.velmax_neg behavior.D_pos = params.D_pos / self.speed_factor behavior.D_neg = params.D_neg / self.speed_factor # Spiraling if self.move_type == MoveGoal.SPIRAL: if np.isclose(npl.norm(boat.focus[:2] - self.state[:2]), 0): print("\nCan't perform a spiral of zero initial radius! Sorry.") print("\nTerminated.\n") self.move_server.set_aborted(MoveResult("degen")) self.done = True return False spr_results = self.spiral_move( c=boat.focus[:2], x=self.state, N=abs(boat.focus[2]), direc=np.sign(boat.focus[2]), mpr=msg.goal.position.z / (2 * np.pi), ) x_seq_spr, T_spr, spr_success = spr_results if len(x_seq_spr) and spr_success: self.x_seq = x_seq_spr self.set_goal(x_seq_spr[-1][:]) self.get_ref = interp1d( np.arange(len(x_seq_spr)) * self.dt, np.array(x_seq_spr), axis=0, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=x_seq_spr[-1][:], ) self.last_update_time = self.rostime() self.next_runtime = T_spr self.lock_tree = True else: print("\nDesired spiral path is blocked!") print("\nTerminated.\n") self.move_server.set_aborted(MoveResult("blocked")) self.done = True return False # Standard driving elif self.move_type in [MoveGoal.DRIVE, MoveGoal.DRIVE_SMOOTH]: # Find the heading that points to the goal p_err = self.goal[:2] - self.state[:2] h_goal = np.arctan2(p_err[1], p_err[0]) # If we aren't within a cone of that heading and the goal is far away, construct rotation if ( abs(self.angle_diff(h_goal, self.state[2])) > params.pointshoot_tol and npl.norm(p_err) > params.free_radius and self.move_type != MoveGoal.DRIVE_SMOOTH ): x_seq_rot, T_rot, rot_success, u_seq_rot = self.rotation_move( self.state, h_goal, params.pointshoot_tol, ) print(f"\nRotating towards goal (duration: {np.round(T_rot, 2)})") if not rot_success: print("\n(cannot rotate completely!)") # Begin interpolating rotation move self.last_update_time = self.rostime() if len(x_seq_rot): self.get_ref = interp1d( np.arange(len(x_seq_rot)) * self.dt, np.array(x_seq_rot), axis=0, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=x_seq_rot[-1][:], ) self.get_eff = interp1d( np.arange(len(u_seq_rot)) * self.dt, np.array(u_seq_rot), axis=0, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=u_seq_rot[-1][:], ) self.next_runtime = np.clip( T_rot, params.basic_duration, 2 * np.pi / params.velmax_pos[2], ) self.next_seed = np.copy(x_seq_rot[-1]) else: self.next_runtime = params.basic_duration self.next_seed = np.copy(self.state) else: self.next_runtime = params.basic_duration self.next_seed = np.copy(self.state) if self.move_type == MoveGoal.DRIVE_SMOOTH: self.move_type = MoveGoal.DRIVE # Translate or look-at move elif self.move_type == MoveGoal.SKID: self.next_runtime = params.basic_duration self.next_seed = np.copy(self.state) # (debug) if not self.lock_tree: assert self.next_seed is not None assert self.next_runtime is not None # Begin tree-chaining loop while not rospy.is_shutdown(): clean_update = self.tree_chain() self.move_count += 1 # Print feedback if clean_update and not ( self.preempted or self.unreachable or self.stuck or self.lock_tree ): print(f"\nMove {self.move_count}\n----") print(f"Behavior: {self.enroute_behavior.__name__[10:]}") print( f"Reached goal region: {self.enroute_behavior.planner.plan_reached_goal}", ) print(f"Goal bias: {np.round(self.goal_bias, 2)}") print(f"Tree size: {self.tree.size}") print(f"Move duration: {np.round(self.next_runtime, 1)}") # elif not self.lock_tree: # print("\nIssue Status\n----") # print("Stuck: {}".format(self.stuck)) # print("Collided: {}".format(self.collided)) # print("Unreachable: {}".format(self.unreachable)) # print("Preempted: {}".format(self.preempted)) # print("Tree size: {}".format(self.tree.size)) # print("Move duration: {}".format(np.round(self.next_runtime, 1))) # Check if action goal is complete if self.move_type == MoveGoal.SPIRAL: self.publish_path() if self.time_till_issue is not None: self.unreachable = True self.failure_reason = "blocked" if (self.rostime() - self.last_update_time) >= T_spr: self.done = True elif np.all(np.abs(self.erf(self.goal, self.state)) <= params.real_tol): remain = np.copy(self.goal) self.get_ref = lambda t: remain self.get_eff = lambda t: np.zeros(3) self.done = True if self.done: print("\nDone!\n") self.move_server.set_succeeded(MoveResult(self.failure_reason)) return True # Check for abrupt termination or unreachability if self.preempted or self.unreachable: remain = np.copy(np.concatenate((self.state[:3], np.zeros(3)))) self.get_ref = lambda t: remain self.get_eff = lambda t: np.zeros(3) print("\nTerminated.\n") self.move_server.set_aborted(MoveResult(self.failure_reason)) self.done = True return False
[docs] def tree_chain(self): """ Plans an lqRRT and sets things up to chain along another lqRRT when called again. """ # Make sure we are not currently in an update or a collided state if self.lock_tree: rospy.sleep(0.01) return False # Thread locking, lol self.lock_tree = True # No issue if self.time_till_issue is None: if ( self.next_runtime < params.basic_duration and self.last_update_time is not None and not self.stuck ): self.next_runtime = params.basic_duration self.next_seed = self.get_ref( self.next_runtime + self.rostime() - self.last_update_time, ) elif self.stuck: self.next_runtime = None self.behavior = self.select_behavior() ( self.goal_bias, self.sample_space,, self.pruning, ) = self.select_exploration() # Distant issue elif self.time_till_issue > 2 * params.basic_duration: self.next_runtime = params.basic_duration self.next_seed = self.get_ref( self.next_runtime + self.rostime() - self.last_update_time, ) self.behavior = self.select_behavior() ( self.goal_bias, self.sample_space,, self.pruning, ) = self.select_exploration() # Immediate issue else: self.last_update_time = self.rostime() remain = np.copy(self.state) self.get_ref = lambda t: remain self.get_eff = lambda t: np.zeros(3) self.next_runtime = params.basic_duration self.next_seed = remain self.behavior = self.select_behavior() ( self.goal_bias, self.sample_space,, self.pruning, ) = self.select_exploration() # Special first-move case if self.move_count == 0: if self.get_ref is not None: if self.initial_plan_time > self.next_runtime: self.next_runtime = self.initial_plan_time else: self.next_runtime = self.initial_plan_time # (debug) if self.stuck and self.time_till_issue is None: assert self.next_runtime is None # Update plan clean_update = self.behavior.planner.update_plan( x0=self.next_seed, sample_space=self.sample_space, goal_bias=self.goal_bias,, pruning=self.pruning, specific_time=self.next_runtime, ) # Update finished properly if clean_update: # We might be stuck if tree is oddly small if self.behavior.planner.tree.size == 1: # Increase stuck count towards threshold self.stuck_count += 1 if self.stuck_count > params.stuck_threshold: self.fail_count += 1 if self.fail_count > params.fail_threshold: print("\nNot making any progress.\nGoal may be unreachable.") self.unreachable = True self.failure_reason = "unreachable" else: print("\nI think we're stuck...") self.stuck = True self.stuck_count = 0 else: self.stuck = False else: self.stuck = False self.stuck_count = 0 self.fail_count = 0 # Cash-in new goods self.x_seq = np.copy(self.behavior.planner.x_seq) self.u_seq = np.copy(self.behavior.planner.u_seq) self.tree = self.behavior.planner.tree self.last_update_time = self.rostime() self.get_ref = self.behavior.planner.get_state self.get_eff = self.behavior.planner.get_effort self.next_runtime = self.behavior.planner.T if self.next_runtime > params.basic_duration: self.next_runtime *= params.fudge_factor self.next_seed = self.get_ref(self.next_runtime) self.enroute_behavior = self.behavior self.time_till_issue = None # Visualizers self.publish_tree() self.publish_path() self.publish_expl() # Make sure all planners are actually unkilled for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.unkill() # Unlocking, lol self.lock_tree = False return clean_update
[docs] def select_behavior(self) -> ModuleType: """ Chooses the behavior for the current move, and returns the associated module containing the implementation of that behavior. Returns: ModuleType: A module with the behavior implementation Raises: ValueError: No relevant implementation could be found """ # Are we stuck? if self.stuck: return escape # Positional error norm of next_seed dist = npl.norm(self.goal[:2] - self.next_seed[:2]) # Are we driving? if self.move_type == MoveGoal.DRIVE: # All clear? if dist < params.free_radius: return boat else: return car # Are we skidding? if self.move_type == MoveGoal.SKID: return boat # (debug) raise ValueError("Indeterminant behavior configuration.")
[docs] def select_exploration( self, ) -> List: """ Chooses the goal bias, sample space, guide point, and pruning choice for the current move and behavior. """ # Escaping means maximal exploration if self.behavior is escape: if is None: gs = np.copy(self.goal) vec = self.goal[:2] - self.next_seed[:2] dist = npl.norm(vec) if dist < 2 * params.free_radius: gs[:2] = vec + 2 * params.free_radius * (vec / dist) else: gs = np.copy( return (0, escape.gen_ss(self.next_seed, self.goal), gs, True) # Analyze ogrid to find good bias and sample space buffer if self.ogrid is not None and not self.blind and self.next_seed is not None: # Get opencv-ready image from current ogrid (255 is occupied, 0 is clear) occ_img = 255 * np.greater(self.ogrid, self.ogrid_threshold).astype( np.uint8, ) # Dilate the image boat_pix = int(self.ogrid_cpm * params.boat_width) boat_pix += boat_pix % 2 occ_img_dial = cv2.dilate(occ_img, np.ones((boat_pix, boat_pix), np.uint8)) # Construct the initial sample space and get bounds in pixel coordinates ss = self.behavior.gen_ss(self.next_seed, self.goal) pmin = self.intup( self.ogrid_cpm * ([ss[0][0], ss[1][0]] - self.ogrid_origin), ) pmax = self.intup( self.ogrid_cpm * ([ss[0][1], ss[1][1]] - self.ogrid_origin), ) # Other quantities in pixel coordinates seed = self.intup(self.ogrid_cpm * (self.next_seed[:2] - self.ogrid_origin)) goal = self.intup(self.ogrid_cpm * (self.goal[:2] - self.ogrid_origin)) step = int(self.ogrid_cpm * params.ss_step) # Make sure seed and goal are physically meaningful try: occ_img_dial[seed[1], seed[0]] occ_img_dial[goal[1], goal[0]] except IndexError: print("Goal and/or seed out of bounds of occupancy grid!") return ( 0, escape.gen_ss(self.next_seed, self.goal, 1), np.copy(self.goal), False, ) # Initializations found_entry = False push = [0, 0, 0, 0] npush = 0 gs = np.copy(self.goal) last_offsets = [pmin[0], pmin[1]] ss_img = np.copy(occ_img_dial[pmin[1] : pmax[1], pmin[0] : pmax[0]]) ss_goal = self.intup(np.subtract(goal, last_offsets)) ss_seed = self.intup(np.subtract(seed, last_offsets)) # Iteratively determine how much to push out the sample space while np.all(np.less_equal(push, len(occ_img_dial))): if found_entry: break # Find dividing boundary points if np.any(np.equal(ss_img.shape, 0)): print("\nOccupancy grid analysis failed... Please report this!") return ( 0.5, self.behavior.gen_ss(self.next_seed, self.goal), np.copy(self.goal), False, ) bpts = self.boundary_analysis(ss_img, ss_seed, ss_goal) # If already connected, no expansion necessary if bpts == "connected": found_entry = True break # If impossible to connect, no sense in expanding if bpts == "isolated": break # Otherwise, prepare to push ss based on boundary intercepts push_xmin = False push_xmax = False push_ymin = False push_ymax = False # Buffered boundary imensions row_min = 1 col_min = 1 row_max = ss_img.shape[0] - 2 col_max = ss_img.shape[1] - 2 # Classify boundary points for row, col in bpts: if col == col_min: # left push_xmin = True if row == row_min: # top left push_ymin = True elif row == row_max: # bottom left push_ymax = True elif col == col_max: # right push_xmax = True if row == row_min: # top right push_ymin = True elif row == row_max: # bottom left push_ymax = True elif row == row_min: # top push_ymin = True elif row == row_max: # bottom push_ymax = True # Push accordingly if push_xmin: push[0] += step npush += 1 if push_xmax: push[1] += step npush += 1 if push_ymin: push[2] += step npush += 1 if push_ymax: push[3] += step npush += 1 # Get image cropped to sample space and offset points of interest offset_x = (pmin[0] - push[0], pmax[0] + push[1]) offset_y = (pmin[1] - push[2], pmax[1] + push[3]) ss_img = np.copy( occ_img_dial[ offset_y[0] : offset_y[1], offset_x[0] : offset_x[1], ], ) if np.any(np.equal(ss_img.shape, 0)): print("\nOccupancy grid analysis failed... Please report this!") return ( 0.5, self.behavior.gen_ss(self.next_seed, self.goal), np.copy(self.goal), False, ) ss_goal = self.intup(np.subtract(goal, [offset_x[0], offset_y[0]])) ss_seed = self.intup(np.subtract(seed, [offset_x[0], offset_y[0]])) test_flood = np.copy(ss_img) cv2.floodFill( test_flood, np.zeros( (test_flood.shape[0] + 2, test_flood.shape[1] + 2), np.uint8, ), ss_goal, 69, ) if test_flood[ss_seed[1], ss_seed[0]] == 69: gs[:2] = ( np.add( [col, row], [last_offsets[0], last_offsets[1]], ).astype(np.float64) / self.ogrid_cpm ) + self.ogrid_origin found_entry = True break # Used for remembering the previous sample space coordinates last_offsets = [offset_x[0], offset_y[0]] # If we expanded to the limit and found no entry (and goal is unoccupied), goal is infeasible if not found_entry and self.is_feasible(self.goal, np.zeros(3)): print("\nGoal is unreachable!") self.unreachable = True self.failure_reason = "unreachable" for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.kill_update() return ( 0, escape.gen_ss(self.next_seed, self.goal, 1), np.copy(self.goal), False, ) # Apply push in real coordinates push = np.array(push, dtype=np.float64) / self.ogrid_cpm if npush > 0: push += params.boat_length ss = self.behavior.gen_ss( self.next_seed, self.goal, push + [params.ss_start] * 4, ) # Select bias based on density of ogrid in sample space if ss_img.size: free_ratio = len(np.argwhere(ss_img == 0)) / ss_img.size b = np.clip(free_ratio - 0.05 * npush, 0, 1) if b < 0.9: b -= 0.2 else: b = 1 else: b = 1 gs = np.copy(self.goal) ss = self.behavior.gen_ss(self.next_seed, self.goal) # For boating if self.behavior is boat: if npl.norm(self.goal[:2] - self.next_seed[:2]) < params.free_radius: return ([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], ss, gs, False) else: if boat.focus is None: return ([b, b, 1, 0, 0, 1], ss, gs, True) else: return ([b, b, 0, 0, 0, 0], ss, gs, True) # For car-ing if self.behavior is car: return ([b, b, 0, 0, 0.5, 0], ss, gs, True) # (debug) raise ValueError("Indeterminant behavior configuration.")
[docs] def is_feasible(self, x: np.ndarray, u: np.ndarray) -> bool: """ Given a state x and effort u, returns whether (x, u) is feasible. Args: x (np.ndarray): The state to verify the feasibility of u (np.ndarray): The corresponding effort to verify the feasibility of Returns: bool: Whether the state is feasible. """ # If there's no ogrid yet or it's a blind move, anywhere is valid if self.ogrid is None or self.blind: return True # Body to world c, s = np.cos(x[2]), np.sin(x[2]) R = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) # Vehicle points in world frame points = x[:2] + # Check for collision indices = (self.ogrid_cpm * (points - self.ogrid_origin)).astype(np.int64) try: grid_values = self.ogrid[indices[:, 1], indices[:, 0]] except IndexError: return False # Greater than threshold is a hit return np.all(grid_values < self.ogrid_threshold)
[docs] def reevaluate_plan(self) -> None: """ Iterates through the current plan re-checking for feasibility using the newest ogrid data, looking for a clear path if we are escaping, and checking that the goal is still feasible. """ # Make sure a plan exists and that we aren't currently fixing it last_update_time = self.last_update_time x_seq = np.copy(self.x_seq) if ( last_update_time is None or not np.any(x_seq) or self.done or self.time_till_issue is not None ): return # Timesteps since last update iters_passed = int((self.rostime() - last_update_time) / self.dt) # Make sure that the goal pose is still feasible if ( not self.is_feasible(self.goal, np.zeros(3)) and self.move_type != MoveGoal.SPIRAL ): print("\nThe given goal is occupied!\nGoing nearby instead.") self.time_till_issue = np.inf self.failure_reason = "occupied" p_err = self.goal[:2] - self.state[:2] p_err_mag = npl.norm(p_err) if p_err_mag <= npl.norm(params.real_tol[:2]): print("...looks like I am already nearby.") self.set_goal(self.state) return npoints = int(p_err_mag / (params.boat_length / 2)) xline = np.linspace(self.goal[0], self.state[0], npoints) yline = np.linspace(self.goal[1], self.state[1], npoints) hline = [np.arctan2(p_err[1], p_err[0])] * npoints sline = np.vstack((xline, yline, hline, np.zeros((3, npoints)))).T found_free_goal = False for i, x in enumerate(sline[:-1]): if self.is_feasible(x, np.zeros(3)): self.set_goal(sline[i + 1]) found_free_goal = True break if not found_free_goal: print("\nCould not find a reasonable free goal!") self.unreachable = True self.failure_reason = "unreachable" return if boat.focus is not None and self.move_type == MoveGoal.SKID: focus_vec = boat.focus[:2] - self.goal[:2] focus_goal = np.copy(self.goal) focus_goal[2] = np.arctan2(focus_vec[1], focus_vec[0]) if self.is_feasible(focus_goal, np.zeros(3)): self.set_goal(focus_goal) else: print("Cancelling focus.") boat.focus = None for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.kill_update() return # Check that the next reeval_time seconds in the current plan are still feasible p_seq = np.copy( x_seq[ iters_passed : min( [ len(x_seq), int(iters_passed + (params.reeval_time / self.dt)), params.reeval_limit, ], ) ], ) if len(p_seq): p_seq[:, 3:] = 0 for i, (x, u) in enumerate(zip(p_seq, [np.zeros(3)] * len(p_seq))): if not self.is_feasible(x, u): time_till_collision = i * self.dt if time_till_collision <= params.collision_threshold: if not self.collided: print("\nCollided! (*seppuku*)") print("But we cannot throw away our shot!") self.collided = True self.failure_reason = "collided" else: print( f"\nFound collision on current path!\nTime till collision: {time_till_collision}", ) self.time_till_issue = time_till_collision for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.kill_update() return if self.collided: print("\nNo longer collided! (*unseppuku*)") self.collided = False if self.failure_reason == "collided": self.failure_reason = "" # If we are escaping, check if we have a clear path again if self.enroute_behavior is escape: start = self.get_ref(self.rostime() - last_update_time) p_err = self.goal[:2] - start[:2] if npl.norm(p_err) > params.free_radius: npoints = int(npl.norm(p_err) / params.vps_spacing) xline = np.linspace(start[0], self.goal[0], npoints) yline = np.linspace(start[1], self.goal[1], npoints) hline = [np.arctan2(p_err[1], p_err[0])] * npoints sline = np.vstack((xline, yline, hline, np.zeros((3, npoints)))).T checks = [] for x in sline: checks.append(self.is_feasible(x, np.zeros(3))) if np.all(checks): self.time_till_issue = np.inf self.move_type = MoveGoal.DRIVE for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.kill_update() self.stuck = False self.stuck_count = 0 print("\nClear path found!") return # No concerns self.time_till_issue = None
[docs] def action_check(self, _: rospy.timer.TimerEvent) -> None: """ Manages action preempting. Serves as the callback to a Timer operating operating every self.revisit_period seconds. """ if self.preempted or not self.move_server.is_active(): return if self.move_server.is_preempt_requested() or ( rospy.is_shutdown() and self.lock_tree ): self.preempted = True self.failure_reason = "preempted" print("\nAction preempted!") if self.behavior is not None: for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.kill_update() while not self.done: rospy.sleep(0.1) return next_runtime = self.next_runtime last_update_time = self.last_update_time if next_runtime is not None and last_update_time is not None: time_till_next_branch = next_runtime - (self.rostime() - last_update_time) if self.move_type == MoveGoal.SPIRAL: self.move_server.publish_feedback( MoveFeedback( "boat", 0, self.tracking, self.erf( self.goal, self.get_ref(self.rostime() - last_update_time), )[:3], time_till_next_branch, ), ) elif ( self.enroute_behavior is not None and self.tree is not None and self.tracking is not None ): self.move_server.publish_feedback( MoveFeedback( self.enroute_behavior.__name__[10:], self.tree.size, self.tracking, self.erf( self.goal, self.get_ref(self.rostime() - last_update_time), )[:3], time_till_next_branch, ), )
[docs] def rotation_move(self, x: List[float], h: float, tol: float): """ Returns a state sequence, total time, success bool and effort sequence for a simple rotate in place move. Success is False if the move becomes infeasible before the state heading x[2] is within the goal heading h+-tol. Give x (start state), and h (goal heading). Args: x (List[float]): The current state h (float): The desired heading (similar to x[2]) tol (float): The tolerance of the heading Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, float, bool, np.ndarray]: A tuple containing the new state array, the amount of time the movement will take, whether the operation is feasible, and the new effort array. """ # Set-up x = np.array(x, dtype=np.float64) xg = np.copy(x) xg[2] = h x_seq = [] u_seq = [] T = 0 i = 0 u = np.zeros(3) # Simulate rotation move while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Stop if pose is infeasible if not self.is_feasible( np.concatenate((x[:3], np.zeros(3))), np.zeros(3), ) and len(x_seq): portion = params.FPR * len(x_seq) return ( x_seq[: int(portion)], T - portion * self.dt, False, u_seq[: int(portion)], ) else: x_seq.append(x) u_seq.append(u) # Keep rotating towards goal until tolerance is met e = self.erf(xg, x) if abs(e[2]) <= tol: return (x_seq, T, True, u_seq) # Step u = 3 * boat.lqr(x, u)[1].dot(e) x = boat.dynamics(x, u, self.dt) T += self.dt i += 1
[docs] def spiral_move( self, x: List[float], c: List[float], N: int, direc: int, mpr: float, ): """ Generates a movement pattern for a spiral movement. Args: x (List[float]): Initial state vector. c (List[float]): Coordinates of initial point. N (int): The number of revolutions to make. direc (int): Whether to move + or - in regards to the z-axis mpr (float): The meters expansion of the spiral per radian Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, float, bool]: The state sequence of the spiral movement, the amount of time (in seconds) required to make the movement, and whether the movement is feasible. """ # Set-up if direc < 0: mpr *= -1 x = np.array(x, dtype=np.float64) c = np.array(c, dtype=np.float64) vt = 0 ang = 0 t = 0 x_seq = [] # Radial vector r = x[:2] - c rmag = npl.norm(r) rdir = r / np.clip(rmag, 1e-6, rmag) # Tangential velocity and acceleration if direc >= 0: ht = np.arctan2(rdir[0], -rdir[1]) else: ht = np.arctan2(-rdir[0], rdir[1]) h0 = self.angle_diff(x[2], ht) R_h0 = np.array([[np.cos(h0), -np.sin(h0)], [np.sin(h0), np.cos(h0)]]) vtmax = abs( * params.velmax_pos[:2])[0]) atmax = abs([params.Fx_max, params.Fy_max])[0] / params.m) magic_ratio = 0.5 / 5 # Simulate spiral move anglim = abs(2 * np.pi * N) while abs(ang) < anglim and not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Rotation for this instant radfactor = np.clip(magic_ratio * rmag, 0, 1) vt = np.clip(vt + radfactor * atmax * self.dt, 0, radfactor * vtmax) w = direc * vt / np.clip(rmag, 1e-6, rmag) dang = w * self.dt R = np.array([[np.cos(dang), -np.sin(dang)], [np.sin(dang), np.cos(dang)]]) # Update t += self.dt ang += dang rdir = rmag += mpr * dang # Record x[:2] = c + rmag * rdir x[2] = x[2] + dang x[3:5] =[vt, mpr * w]) x[5] = w if self.is_feasible(x, np.zeros(3)): x_seq.append(np.copy(x)) else: return x_seq, t, False return x_seq, t, True
[docs] def erf(self, goal_state: List[float], state: List[float]) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns error given two states goal_state and state. Angle differences are taken properly on SO2. Args: goal_state (List[float]): The goal state state (List[float]): The state to derive the error from Returns: np.ndarray: The error between the goal and passed state. """ e = np.subtract(goal_state, state) e[2] = self.angle_diff(goal_state[2], state[2]) return e
[docs] def angle_diff(self, angle_goal: float, angle: float) -> float: """ Takes an angle difference properly on SO2. Args: angle_goal (float): The goal angle. angle (float): The angle to grab the difference from. Returns: float: The difference between the desired and goal angle. """ c = np.cos(angle) s = np.sin(angle) cg = np.cos(angle_goal) sg = np.sin(angle_goal) return np.arctan2(sg * c - cg * s, cg * c + sg * s)
[docs] def boundary_analysis(self, img, seed, goal): """ Returns a list of the two boundary points of the contour dividing seed from goal in the occupancy image img. If the seed and goal are connected, returns 'connected' or if they are terminally isolated, returns 'isolated'. Make sure seed and goal are intups and in the same pixel coordinates as img, and that occupied pixels have value 255 in img. """ # Set-up img = np.copy(img) fc1 = 1 fc2 = 2 bpts = [] # If goal can flood to seed then done flood_goal = np.copy(img) cv2.floodFill( flood_goal, np.zeros((flood_goal.shape[0] + 2, flood_goal.shape[1] + 2), np.uint8), goal, fc1, ) if flood_goal[seed[1], seed[0]] == fc1: return "connected" # Filter out the dividing boundary flood_goal_thresh = fc1 * np.equal(flood_goal, fc1).astype(np.uint8) flood_seed = np.copy(flood_goal_thresh) cv2.floodFill( flood_seed, np.zeros((flood_seed.shape[0] + 2, flood_seed.shape[1] + 2), np.uint8), seed, fc2, ) flood_seed_thresh = fc2 * np.equal(flood_seed, fc2).astype(np.uint8) # Buffered boundaries and dimensions left = img[1:-1, 1] right = img[1:-1, -2] top = img[1, 2:-2] bottom = img[-2, 2:-2] row_min = 1 col_min = 1 row_max = img.shape[0] - 2 col_max = img.shape[1] - 2 # Buffered boundary points that were occupied, in boundary coordinates left_cands = np.argwhere(np.equal(left, 255)) right_cands = np.argwhere(np.equal(right, 255)) top_cands = np.argwhere(np.equal(top, 255)) bottom_cands = np.argwhere(np.equal(bottom, 255)) # Convert to original coordinates left_cands = np.hstack((left_cands + 1, col_min * np.ones_like(left_cands))) right_cands = np.hstack((right_cands + 1, col_max * np.ones_like(right_cands))) top_cands = np.hstack((row_min * np.ones_like(top_cands), top_cands + 2)) bottom_cands = np.hstack( (row_max * np.ones_like(bottom_cands), bottom_cands + 2), ) cands = np.vstack((left_cands, right_cands, top_cands, bottom_cands)) # Iterate through candidates and store the dividing boundary points for row, col in cands: hood = self.get_hood(flood_seed_thresh, row, col) if np.any(hood == fc2) and np.any(hood == 0): bpts.append([row, col]) # If they are not connected but there are no boundary points, # they are forever isolated if len(bpts) == 0: return "isolated" else: return bpts
[docs] def set_goal(self, x: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Publishes the goal state to the goal publisher. """ # Create and establish goal self.goal = np.copy(x) for behavior in self.behaviors_list: behavior.planner.set_goal(self.goal) # Publish goal to the goal publisher self.goal_pub.publish( self.pack_posestamped(np.copy(self.goal),, )
[docs] def publish_ref(self, *args) -> None: """ Publishes the reference trajectory as an Odometry message to the ref publisher. Also publishes the reference effort as a WrenchStamped message to the effort publisher. """ # Make sure a plan exists last_update_time = self.last_update_time if self.get_ref is None or last_update_time is None: return # Time since last update time_since = self.rostime() - last_update_time stamp = # Publish interpolated reference self.ref_pub.publish(self.pack_odom(self.get_ref(time_since), stamp)) # Not really necessary, but for fun-and-profit also publish the planner's effort wrench if self.get_eff is not None: self.eff_pub.publish( self.pack_wrenchstamped(self.get_eff(time_since), stamp), )
[docs] def publish_path(self) -> None: """ Publishes all tree-node poses along the current path as a PoseArray. Publishes to the class' path publisher. """ # Make sure a plan exists if self.x_seq is None: return # Construct pose array and publish pose_list = [] for x in self.x_seq: pose_list.append(self.pack_pose(x)) if len(pose_list): msg = PoseArray(poses=pose_list) msg.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id self.path_pub.publish(msg)
[docs] def publish_tree(self) -> None: """ Publishes all tree-node poses as a PoseArray. Publishes to the class' tree publisher. """ # Make sure a plan exists if self.tree is None: return # Construct pose array and publish pose_list = [] for id in range(self.tree.size): x = self.tree.state[id] pose_list.append(self.pack_pose(x)) if len(pose_list): msg = PoseArray(poses=pose_list) msg.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id self.tree_pub.publish(msg)
[docs] def publish_expl(self) -> None: """ Publishes sample space as a PolygonStamped to the sample space publisher and publishes the guide point as a PointStamped to the guide publisher. """ # Make sure a plan exists if self.sample_space is None or is None: return # Construct and publish point_list = [ Point32(self.sample_space[0][0], self.sample_space[1][0], 0), Point32(self.sample_space[0][1], self.sample_space[1][0], 0), Point32(self.sample_space[0][1], self.sample_space[1][1], 0), Point32(self.sample_space[0][0], self.sample_space[1][1], 0), ] ss_msg = PolygonStamped() ss_msg.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id ss_msg.polygon.points = point_list # Publish to publishers self.sampspace_pub.publish(ss_msg) self.guide_pub.publish(self.pack_pointstamped([:2],
[docs] def ogrid_cb(self, msg: OccupancyGrid) -> None: """ Acts as the callback function to a subscriber to the odom topic. Expects an OccupancyGrid message. Stores the ogrid array and origin vector, and then reevaluates the path plan. Args: msg (OccupancyGrid): The message passed by the callback. """ # Store relevant values start = self.rostime() self.ogrid = np.array(, self.ogrid_origin = np.array( [,], ) self.ogrid_cpm = 1 / # Reevaluate plan based on occupancy grid try: self.reevaluate_plan() except BaseException: print("\n(WARNING: something went wrong in reevaluate_plan)\n") # Check for plan reevaluation taking a long time elapsed = abs(self.rostime() - start) if elapsed > 1: print( f"\n(WARNING: ogrid callback is taking {np.round(elapsed, 2)} seconds)\n", )
[docs] def odom_cb(self, msg: Odometry) -> None: """ Callback to the odometry topic subscriber. Stores the current state of the tracking vehicle and its reference frame. Sets the class tracking variable to True or False based on if the vehicle is successfully tracking. Args: msg (Odometry): The Odometry message received by the callback. """ # Store relevant values self.world_frame_id = msg.header.frame_id self.body_frame_id = msg.child_frame_id self.state = self.unpack_odom(msg) last_update_time = self.last_update_time # Calculate error between the goal and state and tell if tracking is successful if self.get_ref is not None and last_update_time is not None: error = np.abs( self.erf(self.get_ref(self.rostime() - last_update_time), self.state), ) if np.all(error < 2 * np.array(params.real_tol)): self.tracking = True else: self.tracking = False
[docs] def unpack_pose(self, msg: Pose) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts a Pose message into a state vector with zero velocity. Args: msg (Pose): The message to unpack. Returns: np.ndarray: A state array containing the x-position, y-position, and yaw. The velocities are all zero. """ q = [msg.orientation.x, msg.orientation.y, msg.orientation.z, msg.orientation.w] return np.array( [msg.position.x, msg.position.y, trns.euler_from_quaternion(q)[2], 0, 0, 0], )
[docs] def unpack_odom(self, msg: Odometry) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts an Odometry message into a state vector. Args: msg (Odometry): The Odometry message to unpack. Returns: np.ndarray: The new state vector, containing 6 float values. """ q = [ msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w, ] return np.array( [ msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, trns.euler_from_quaternion(q)[2], msg.twist.twist.linear.x, msg.twist.twist.linear.y, msg.twist.twist.angular.z, ], )
[docs] def pack_pose(self, state: List[float]) -> Pose: """ Converts the positional part of a state vector into a Pose message. For a timestamped message, use pack_posestamped. Args: state (List[float]): The current state of the robot. state[0] and state[1] represent x + y orientations. state[2] represents the orientation of the bot. Returns: Pose: The Pose message. """ msg = Pose() msg.position.x, msg.position.y = state[:2] quat = trns.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, state[2]) msg.orientation = numpy_to_quaternion(quat) return msg
[docs] def pack_posestamped(self, state: List[float], stamp: rospy.Time) -> PoseStamped: """ Converts the positional part of a state vector into a PoseStamped message with a given header timestamp. For a non-stamped message, use pack_pose. Args: state (List[float]): The current state of the robot. state[0] and state[1] represent x + y orientations. state[2] represents the orientation of the bot. stamp (rospy.Time): The time that the bot's state existed as so. Returns: PoseStamped: The PoseStamped message. """ msg = PoseStamped() msg.header.stamp = stamp msg.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y = state[:2] quat = trns.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, state[2]) msg.pose.orientation = numpy_to_quaternion(quat) return msg
[docs] def pack_odom(self, state: List[float], stamp: rospy.Time) -> Odometry: """ Converts a state vector into an Odometry message with given header timestamp. Args: state (List[float]): A list containing the following values: state[0] - The x-position of the bot state[1] - The y-position of the bot state[2] - The orientation (yaw) of the bot state[3] - The linear speed in the x-direction state[4] - The linear speed in the y-direction state[5] - The angular speed in the z-direction stamp (rospy.Time): The timestamp of the message. Returns: Odometry: The packed Odometry message. """ msg = Odometry() msg.header.stamp = stamp msg.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id msg.child_frame_id = self.body_frame_id msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y = state[:2] quat = trns.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, state[2]) msg.pose.pose.orientation = numpy_to_quaternion(quat) msg.twist.twist.linear.x, msg.twist.twist.linear.y = state[3:5] msg.twist.twist.angular.z = state[5] return msg
[docs] def pack_pointstamped(self, point: List[float], stamp: rospy.Time) -> PointStamped: """ Converts a point vector into a PointStamped message with a given header timestamp. Args: point (List[float]): The point vector. point[0] represents the x-component of the point and point[1] represents the y-component of the point. stamp (rospy.Time): The timestamp to attach to the message. Returns: PointStamped: The message to pack the point as. """ msg = PointStamped() msg.header.stamp = stamp msg.header.frame_id = self.world_frame_id msg.point.x, msg.point.y = point[:2] msg.point.z = 0 return msg
[docs] def pack_wrenchstamped( self, effort: List[float], stamp: rospy.Time, ) -> WrenchStamped: """ Converts an effort vector into a WrenchStamped message with a given header timestamp. Args: effort (List[float]): The effort vector. effort[0] represents the x-component of force, effort[1] represents the y-component of force, and effort[2] represents the z-component of torque. stamp (rospy.Time): The timestamp to attach to the message. Returns: WrenchStamped: The message to pack the effort as. """ msg = WrenchStamped() msg.header.stamp = stamp msg.header.frame_id = self.body_frame_id msg.wrench.force.x, msg.wrench.force.y = effort[:2] msg.wrench.torque.z = effort[2] return msg
# Setup node if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("lqrrt_node") print("") move_topic = rospy.get_param("~move_topic", "/move_to") odom_topic = rospy.get_param("~odom_topic", "/odom") ogrid_topic = rospy.get_param("~ogrid_topic", "/ogrid") ogrid_threshold = rospy.get_param("~ogrid_threshold", "90") ref_topic = rospy.get_param("~ref_topic", "/lqrrt/ref") path_topic = rospy.get_param("~path_topic", "/lqrrt/path") tree_topic = rospy.get_param("~tree_topic", "/lqrrt/tree") goal_topic = rospy.get_param("~goal_topic", "/lqrrt/goal") focus_topic = rospy.get_param("~focus_topic", "/lqrrt/focus") effort_topic = rospy.get_param("~effort_topic", "/lqrrt/effort") sampspace_topic = rospy.get_param("~sampspace_topic", "/lqrrt/sampspace") guide_topic = rospy.get_param("~guide_topic", "/lqrrt/guide") better_than_Astar = LQRRT_Node( odom_topic, ref_topic, move_topic, path_topic, tree_topic, goal_topic, focus_topic, effort_topic, ogrid_topic, ogrid_threshold, ) rospy.spin()