Source code for nodes.navigator_battery_monitor

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Battery Monitor: A simple script that approximates the battery voltage by
averaging the supply voltage to each of the four thrusters.

import message_filters
import rospy
from roboteq_msgs.msg import Feedback, Status
from ros_alarms import AlarmListener
from ros_alarms_msgs.msg import Alarm
from std_msgs.msg import Float32

__author__ = "Anthony Olive"
__maintainer__ = "Kevin Allen"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, MIL"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs]class BatteryMonitor: """ Monitors the battery voltage measured by the 4 motors on Navigator, publishing a moving average of these measurements to /battery_monitor at a regular interval. Attributes: voltage (Optional[float]): The average voltage across all of the four motors. ``None`` if no reading has occurred yet. supply_voltages (List[float]): The most recent 1000 voltage readings. Each reading is from a separate motor. hw_kill_raised (bool): Whether a hardware kill was raised. pub_voltage (rospy.Publisher): A publisher to the ``/battery_monitor`` topic. Published by the :meth:`.publish_voltage` method. """ def __init__(self): # Initialize the average voltage to none for the case of no feedback self.voltage = None # Initialize a list to hold the 1000 most recent supply voltage readings # Holding 1000 values ensures that changes in the average are gradual rather than sharp self.supply_voltages = [] self.hw_kill_raised = None self._hw_kill_listener = AlarmListener("hw-kill", self.hw_kill_cb) self._hw_kill_listener.wait_for_server() # The publisher for the averaged voltage self.pub_voltage = rospy.Publisher("/battery_monitor", Float32, queue_size=1) # Subscribes to the feedback from each of the four thrusters motor_topics = ["/FL_motor", "/FR_motor", "/BL_motor", "/BR_motor"] feedback_sub = [ message_filters.Subscriber(topic + "/feedback", Feedback) for topic in motor_topics ] status_sub = [ message_filters.Subscriber(topic + "/status", Status) for topic in motor_topics ] [ message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer( [feedback, status], 1, 10, ).registerCallback(self.add_voltage) for feedback, status in zip(feedback_sub, status_sub) ]
[docs] def hw_kill_cb(self, msg: Alarm): """ Serves as a callback when a hardware kill is activated. Args: msg (~ros_alarms.msg._Alarm.Alarm): The alarm message that activated the hardware kill. """ self.hw_kill_raised = msg.raised
[docs] def add_voltage(self, feedback: Feedback, status: Status) -> None: """ This is the callback function for feedback from all four motors. It appends the new readings to the end of the list and ensures that the list stays under 1000 entries. Args: feedback (~roboteq_msgs.msg._Feedback.Feedback): The feedback from one of the motors. status (~roboteq_msgs.msg._Status.Status): The status of the motor. """ # Check if 3rd bit is raised if status.fault & 4 == 4 or self.hw_kill_raised is True: return self.supply_voltages.append(feedback.supply_voltage) # Limits the list by removing the oldest readings when it contains more then 1000 readings while len(self.supply_voltages) > 1000: del self.supply_voltages[0]
[docs] def publish_voltage(self, _) -> None: """ Publishes the average voltage across all four thrusters to the ``battery_voltage`` node as a standard Float32 message and runs the voltage_check. Currently runs every second. """ if len(self.supply_voltages) > 0: self.voltage = sum(self.supply_voltages) / len(self.supply_voltages) self.pub_voltage.publish(self.voltage)
if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("battery_monitor") monitor = BatteryMonitor() rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), monitor.publish_voltage, oneshot=False) rospy.spin()