Source code for ros_alarms.alarms

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import traceback
from typing import Callable

import rospy
from ros_alarms_msgs.msg import Alarm as AlarmMsg
from ros_alarms_msgs.srv import (

def parse_json_str(json_str: str) -> dict | str:
    parameters = ""
        parameters = "" if json_str == "" else json.loads(json_str)
    except ValueError:
        # User passed in a non JSON string
        parameters = {}
        parameters["data"] = json_str
        return parameters

def _check_for_alarm(alarm_name, nowarn=False):
    if (
        not nowarn
        and rospy.has_param("/known_alarms")
        and alarm_name not in rospy.get_param("/known_alarms")
        msg = "'{}' is not in the list of known alarms (as defined in the /known_alarms rosparam)"

def _check_for_valid_name(alarm_name, nowarn=False):
    if nowarn:

    assert (
        alarm_name.isalnum() or "_" in alarm_name or "-" in alarm_name
    ), f"Alarm name '{alarm_name}' is not valid!"

def _make_callback_error_string(alarm_name, backtrace=""):
    """Creates a string with the name of the alarm, the stacktrace, and an exception"""
    err_msg = "A callback for the alarm: {} threw an error!\n{}"
    return err_msg.format(alarm_name, backtrace)

def wait_for_service(
    warn_msg="Waiting for service..",
    A fancy extension of wait for service that will warn with a message if it is taking a while.

    @param warn_time: float in seconds, how long to wait before logging warn_msg
    @param warn_msg: msg logged with rospy.logwarn if warn_time passes without service connected
    @param timeout: overall timeout. If None, does nothing. If a float, will raise exception
                    if many TOTAL seconds has passed without connecting

    Copied from
    to avoid dependency
    except rospy.ROSException:
        if timeout is not None:
            timeout = timeout - warn_time

[docs]class Alarm: """ Pythonic representation of a ROS alarm. This class should not be constructed by clients (excluding internal ``ros_alarms`` code, of course). This class is primarily used by the alarm server node to manage data about a series of alarms. However, this class may be passed into callbacks registered to particular alarms. .. container:: operations .. describe:: str(x) Pretty prints the contents of the alarm. Equivalent to ``repr(x)``. .. describe:: repr(x) Pretty prints the contents of the alarm. Equivalent to ``str(x)``. Attributes: alarm_name (str): The name of this specific alarm. raised (bool): Whether the alarm has been raised. node_name (str): The name of the node attached to the alarm. Defaults to ``unknown``. problem_description (str): A description of the problem related to the alarm. Defaults to an empty string. parameters (dict): The JSON parameters associated with the alarm. Defaults to an empty dict. severity (int): The severity associated with a raised alarm. Defaults to ``0``. stamp (rospy.Time): The time of the most recent update. Defaults to now if ROS has been initialized, otherwise zero. raised_cbs (List[Tuple[int, Callable]): A list of callbacks to execute when the alarm is raised. Each callback should be associated with the severity required to execute the callback through a tuple. cleared_cbs (List[Tuple[int, Callable]): A list of callbacks to execute when the alarm is cleared. Each callback should be associated with the severity required to execute the callback through a tuple. """ def __init__( self, alarm_name: str, raised: bool, node_name: str = "unknown", problem_description: str = "", parameters: dict = {}, severity: int = 0, ): self.alarm_name = alarm_name self.raised = raised self.node_name = node_name self.problem_description = problem_description self.parameters = parameters self.severity = severity try: self.stamp = except rospy.ROSInitException: self.stamp = rospy.Time(0) # Callbacks to run if the alarm is cleared or raised formatted as follows: # [(severity_required, cb1), (severity_required, cb2), ...] self.raised_cbs = [] self.cleared_cbs = [] def __repr__(self): msg = self.as_msg() msg.parameters = parse_json_str(msg.parameters) return str(msg) __str__ = __repr__
[docs] @classmethod def blank(cls, name: str) -> Alarm: """ Generate a general blank alarm that is cleared with a low severity. Args: name (str): The name for the blank alarm. Returns: ros_alarms.Alarm: The constructed alarm. """ return cls(name, raised=False, severity=0)
[docs] @classmethod def from_msg(cls, msg: AlarmMsg) -> Alarm: """ Generate an alarm object from an Alarm message. Args: msg (AlarmMsg): The message to generate the object from. Returns: Alarm: The constructed alarm. """ node_name = "unknown" if msg.node_name == "" else msg.node_name parameters = parse_json_str(msg.parameters) return cls( msg.alarm_name, msg.raised, node_name, msg.problem_description, parameters, msg.severity, )
def _severity_cb_check(self, severity): if isinstance(severity, (tuple, list)): return severity[0] <= self.severity <= severity[1] # Not a tuple, just an int. The severities should match return self.severity == severity
[docs] def add_callback( self, funct: Callable, call_when_raised: bool = True, call_when_cleared: bool = True, severity_required: tuple[int, int] = (0, 5), ): """ Adds a callback function to the alarm. If the callback is set to be called when the alarm has been raised, and the alarm is already raised, then the callback is immediately called. Similarly, if the callback is set to run when the alarm is cleared, and the alarm is already cleared, then the callback is immediately ran. In both cases, the callback is registered like any other callback. Exceptions in callbacks are swallowed and are printed out through a rospy logging statement. Args: funct (Callable): The callback to add. call_when_raised (bool): Whether to call the callback when the alarm is raised. Defaults to ``True``. call_when_cleared (bool): Whether to call the callback when the alarm is cleared. Defaults to ``True``. severity_required (Tuple[int, int]): The severity required to run the callback. The tuple represents the minimum and maximum severities under which to execute the callback. Defaults to ``(0, 5)``. """ if call_when_raised: self.raised_cbs.append((severity_required, funct)) if self.raised and self._severity_cb_check(severity_required): # Try to run the callback, absorbing any errors try: funct(self) except Exception: rospy.logwarn( _make_callback_error_string( self.alarm_name, traceback.format_exc(), ), ) if call_when_cleared: self.cleared_cbs.append(((0, 5), funct)) if not self.raised and self._severity_cb_check(severity_required): # Try to run the callback, absorbing any errors try: funct(self) except Exception: rospy.logwarn( _make_callback_error_string( self.alarm_name, traceback.format_exc(), ), )
[docs] def update(self, srv: Alarm): """ Updates this alarm with a new AlarmSet request. Also will call any required callbacks. Args: srv (ros_alarms.Alarm): The request to set the alarm. """ self.stamp = node_name = "unknown" if srv.node_name == "" else srv.node_name parameters = parse_json_str(srv.parameters) # Update all possible parameters self.raised = srv.raised self.node_name = node_name self.problem_description = srv.problem_description self.parameters = parameters self.severity = srv.severity rospy.loginfo( "Updating alarm: {}, {}.".format( self.alarm_name, "raised" if self.raised else "cleared", ), ) # Run the callbacks for that alarm cb_list = self.raised_cbs if srv.raised else self.cleared_cbs for severity, cb in cb_list: # If the cb severity is not valid for this alarm's severity, skip it if srv.raised and not self._severity_cb_check(severity): continue # Try to run the callback, absorbing any errors try: cb(self) except Exception: rospy.logwarn( _make_callback_error_string( self.alarm_name, traceback.format_exc(), ), )
[docs] def as_msg(self) -> AlarmMsg: """ Get this alarm as an Alarm message. Returns: AlarmMsg: The constructed message. """ alarm = AlarmMsg() alarm.alarm_name = self.alarm_name alarm.raised = self.raised alarm.node_name = self.node_name alarm.problem_description = self.problem_description alarm.parameters = json.dumps(self.parameters) alarm.severity = self.severity return alarm
[docs] def as_srv_resp(self) -> AlarmGetResponse: """ Get this alarm as an AlarmGet response. Returns: AlarmGetResponse: The constructed service response. """ resp = AlarmGetResponse() resp.header.stamp = self.stamp resp.alarm = self.as_msg() return resp
[docs]class AlarmBroadcaster: """ Broadcasts information about an alarm, and allows for the raising and clearing of the alarm. """ def __init__(self, name: str, node_name: str | None = None, nowarn: bool = False): """ Args: name (str): The name of the related alarm. node_name (Optional[str]): The name of the node alarm. nowarn (bool): Whether to disable warning for the class' operations. """ self._alarm_name = name _check_for_valid_name(self._alarm_name, nowarn) _check_for_alarm(self._alarm_name, nowarn) self._node_name = rospy.get_name() if node_name is None else node_name self._alarm_set = rospy.ServiceProxy("/alarm/set", AlarmSet)
[docs] def wait_for_server(self, timeout=None): """ Wait for node to connect to alarm server. Waits timeout seconds (or forever if ``timeout`` is ``None``) to connect then fetches the current alarm and calls callbacks as needed. .. warning:: User should always call this method before calling other methods. Args: timeout (Optional[float]): The amount of seconds to wait before timing out. """ if timeout is not None and timeout < 1.5: self._alarm_set.wait_for_service(timeout=timeout) else: wait_for_service( self._alarm_set, warn_time=1.0, warn_msg="Waiting for alarm server..", timeout=timeout, ) rospy.logdebug("alarm server connected")
def _generate_request( self, raised, node_name=None, problem_description="", parameters={}, severity=0, ): request = AlarmSetRequest() request.alarm.alarm_name = self._alarm_name request.alarm.node_name = ( node_name if node_name is not None else self._node_name ) request.alarm.raised = raised request.alarm.problem_description = problem_description request.alarm.parameters = json.dumps(parameters) request.alarm.severity = severity return request
[docs] def raise_alarm(self, **kwargs): """ Raises the alarm. Args: kwargs: The associated keyword arguments, as described below. Keyword Arguments: node_name (str): String that holds the name of the node making the request. problem_description (str): String with a description of the problem (defaults to empty string). parameters (dict): JSON dumpable dictionary with optional parameters that describe the alarm. severity (int): Integer in [0, 5] that indicates the severity of the alarm. (5 is most severe) Returns: bool: Whether the alarm was successfully raised. """ try: return self._alarm_set(self._generate_request(True, **kwargs)).succeed except rospy.service.ServiceException: rospy.logerr("No alarm sever found! Can't raise alarm.") return False
[docs] def clear_alarm(self, **kwargs): """ Clears the alarm. Args: kwargs: The associated keyword arguments, as described below. Keyword Arguments: node_name (str): String that holds the name of the node making the request. problem_description (str): String with a description of the problem (defaults to empty string). parameters (dict): JSON dumpable dictionary with optional parameters that describe the alarm. severity (int): Integer in [0, 5] that indicates the severity of the alarm. (5 is most severe) Returns: bool: Whether the alarm was successfully cleared. """ try: return self._alarm_set(self._generate_request(False, **kwargs)).succeed except rospy.service.ServiceException: rospy.logerr("No alarm sever found! Can't clear alarm.") return False
[docs]class AlarmListener: """ Listens to an alarm. """ def __init__( self, name: str, callback_funct: Callable | None = None, nowarn: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Args: name (str): The alarm name. callback_funct (Optional[Callable]): The callback function. nowarn (bool): Whether to enable warnings about the class. Defaults to ``False``. """ self._alarm_name = name self._last_alarm = None _check_for_valid_name(self._alarm_name, nowarn) _check_for_alarm(self._alarm_name, nowarn) self._alarm_get = rospy.ServiceProxy("/alarm/get", AlarmGet) # Data used to trigger callbacks self._raised_cbs = [] # [(severity_for_cb1, cb1), (severity_for_cb2, cb2), ...] self._cleared_cbs = [] rospy.Subscriber("/alarm/updates", AlarmMsg, self._alarm_update) if callback_funct is not None: self.add_callback(callback_funct, **kwargs)
[docs] def wait_for_server(self, timeout: float | None = None): """ Wait for node to connect to alarm server. Waits timeout seconds (or forever if ``timeout`` is ``None``) to connect then fetches the current alarm and calls callbacks as needed. .. warning:: User should always call this method before calling other methods. Args: timeout (Optional[float]): The amount of seconds to wait before timing out. """ if timeout is not None and timeout < 1.5: self._alarm_get.wait_for_service(timeout=timeout) else: wait_for_service( self._alarm_get, warn_time=1.0, warn_msg="Waiting for alarm server..", timeout=timeout, ) rospy.logdebug("alarm server connected") self.get_alarm() # Now that we have service, update callbacks
[docs] def is_raised(self, fetch: bool = True): """ Returns whether this alarm is raised or not. Args: fetch (bool): Whether to fetch the alarm from the server. If ``False``, then uses the most recently cached alarm. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: bool: Whether the alarm is raised. """ alarm = self.get_alarm(fetch=fetch) if alarm is None: return False return alarm.raised
[docs] def is_cleared(self, fetch: bool = True) -> bool: """ Returns whether this alarm is cleared or not. Args: fetch (bool): Whether to fetch the alarm from the server. If ``False``, then uses the most recently cached alarm. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: bool: Whether the alarm is cleared. """ return not self.is_raised(fetch=fetch)
[docs] def get_alarm(self, fetch: bool = True) -> AlarmGetResponse | None: """ Returns the alarm message. Also worth noting, the alarm this method returns has it's ``parameters`` field converted to a dictionary. Args: fetch (bool): Whether to fetch the alarm from the server. If ``False``, then uses the most recently cached alarm. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: AlarmGetResponse: The response message, with its updated ``parameters`` field. """ if not fetch: return self._last_alarm try: resp = self._alarm_get(AlarmGetRequest(alarm_name=self._alarm_name)) except rospy.service.ServiceException: rospy.logerr("No alarm sever found!") return self._last_alarm self._alarm_update(resp.alarm) return self._last_alarm
def _severity_cb_check(self, severity): # In case _last alarm hasn't been declared yet if self._last_alarm is None: return False if isinstance(severity, (tuple, list)): return severity[0] <= self._last_alarm.severity <= severity[1] # Not a tuple or list, just an int. The severities should match return self._last_alarm.severity == severity
[docs] def add_callback( self, funct: Callable, call_when_raised: bool = True, call_when_cleared: bool = True, severity_required: tuple[int, int] = (0, 5), ): """ Adds a callback function to the alarm. Args: funct (Callable): The callback to add. call_when_raised (bool): Whether to call the callback when the alarm is raised. Defaults to ``True``. call_when_cleared (bool): Whether to call the callback when the alarm is cleared. Defaults to ``True``. severity_required (Tuple[int, int]): The severity required to run the callback. The tuple represents the minimum and maximum severities under which to execute the callback. Defaults to ``(0, 5)``. """ alarm = self._last_alarm if call_when_raised: self._raised_cbs.append((severity_required, funct)) if ( alarm is not None and alarm.raised and self._severity_cb_check(severity_required) ): # Try to run the callback, absorbing any errors try: alarm.parameters = parse_json_str(alarm.parameters) funct(alarm) except Exception: rospy.logwarn( _make_callback_error_string( self._alarm_name, traceback.format_exc(), ), ) if call_when_cleared: self._cleared_cbs.append(((0, 5), funct)) # Clear callbacks always run if alarm is not None and not alarm.raised: # Try to run the callback, absorbing any errors try: alarm.parameters = parse_json_str(alarm.parameters) funct(alarm) except Exception: rospy.logwarn( _make_callback_error_string( self._alarm_name, traceback.format_exc(), ), )
[docs] def clear_callbacks(self): """ Clears all callbacks. """ self._raised_cbs = [] self._cleared_cbs = []
def _alarm_update(self, alarm: AlarmMsg): if alarm.alarm_name != self._alarm_name: return alarm.parameters = parse_json_str(alarm.parameters) self._last_alarm = alarm cb_list = self._raised_cbs if alarm.raised else self._cleared_cbs for severity, cb in cb_list: # If the cb severity is not valid for this alarm's severity, skip it if not self._severity_cb_check(severity): continue # Try to run the callback, absorbing any errors try: cb(alarm) except Exception: rospy.logerr( _make_callback_error_string( self._alarm_name, traceback.format_exc(), ), )
[docs]class HeartbeatMonitor(AlarmBroadcaster): """ Used to trigger an alarm if a message on the topic ``topic_name`` isn't published at least every ``prd`` seconds. An alarm won't be triggered if no messages are initially received. All of this class' methods and attributes are internal. """ def __init__( self, alarm_name: str, topic_name: str, msg_class, prd: float = 0.2, predicate: Callable | None = None, nowarn: bool = False, **kwargs, ): self._predicate = predicate if predicate is not None else lambda *args: True self._last_msg_time = None self._prd = rospy.Duration(prd) self._dropped = False super().__init__(alarm_name, nowarn=nowarn, **kwargs) rospy.Subscriber(topic_name, msg_class, self._got_msg) rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(prd / 2), self._check_for_message) def _got_msg(self, msg): # If the predicate passes, store the message time if self._predicate(msg): self._last_msg_time = # If it's dropped, clear the alarm and reset the dropped status if self._dropped: self.clear_alarm() self._dropped = False def _check_for_message(self, *args): if self._last_msg_time is None: return if - self._last_msg_time > self._prd and not self._dropped: self.raise_alarm() self._dropped = True