Source code for sabertooth2x12.simulated

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct

import rospy
from mil_misc_tools.serial_tools import SimulatedSerial

[docs]class SimulatedSabertooth2x12(SimulatedSerial): """ Creates a simulated serial device representing the Sabertooth 2x12 regenerative motor driver. Implements :class:`mil_tools.SimulatedSerial`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__()
[docs] def write(self, data: bytes) -> None: """ Handles byte data received by the simulated device. Verifies the checksum of the data received, and logs changes in the motor speeds set by the device. """ if len(data) != 4: rospy.logerr("wrong packet size") return data: int # Temporary variable + type overwrite address, command, data, checksum = struct.unpack("BBBB", data) checksum_verify = (address + command + data) & 127 if checksum_verify != checksum: rospy.logerr(f"Invalid checksum. Is {checksum} should be {checksum_verify}") return if command == 0: rospy.loginfo(f"Setting motor1 to {data / 127.0}") elif command == 1: rospy.loginfo(f"Setting motor1 to {-data / 127.0}") elif command == 4: rospy.loginfo(f"Setting motor2 to {data / 127.0}") elif command == 5: rospy.loginfo(f"Setting motor2 to {-data / 127.0}") else: rospy.logwarn(f"Unrecognized command {command}")