Source code for sub8_thrust_and_kill_board.handle

import rospy
from mil_usb_to_can.sub8 import CANDeviceHandle
from ros_alarms import AlarmBroadcaster, AlarmListener
from ros_alarms_msgs.msg import Alarm
from rospy.timer import TimerEvent
from std_srvs.srv import SetBool, SetBoolRequest, SetBoolResponse
from subjugator_msgs.msg import Thrust

from .packets import (
from .thruster import make_thruster_dictionary

[docs]class ThrusterAndKillBoard(CANDeviceHandle): """ Device handle for the thrust and kill board. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Initialize thruster mapping from params self.thrusters, self.name_to_id = make_thruster_dictionary( rospy.get_param("/thruster_layout/thrusters"), ) # Tracks last hw-kill alarm update self._last_hw_kill = None # Tracks last go status broadcasted self._last_go = None # Used to raise/clear hw-kill when board updates self._kill_broadcaster = AlarmBroadcaster("hw-kill") # Alarm broadaster for GO command self._go_alarm_broadcaster = AlarmBroadcaster("go") # Listens to hw-kill updates to ensure another nodes doesn't manipulate it self._hw_kill_listener = AlarmListener( "hw-kill", callback_funct=self.on_hw_kill, ) # Provide service for alarm handler to set/clear the motherboard kill self._unkill_service = rospy.Service( "/set_mobo_kill", SetBool, self.set_mobo_kill, ) # Sends heartbeat to board self._heartbeat_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.4), self.send_heartbeat) # Create a subscribe for thruster commands self._sub = rospy.Subscriber( "/thrusters/thrust", Thrust, self.on_command, queue_size=10, )
[docs] def set_mobo_kill(self, req: SetBoolRequest) -> SetBoolResponse: """ Called on service calls to ``/set_mobo_kill``, sending the appropriate packet to the board to unassert or assert to motherboard-origin kill. Args: req (SetBoolRequest): The service request. Returns: SetBoolResponse: The service response. """ self.send_data( bytes( KillMessage.create_kill_message( command=True, hard=False,, ), ), can_id=KILL_SEND_ID, ) return SetBoolResponse(success=True)
[docs] def send_heartbeat(self, _: TimerEvent) -> None: """ Send a special heartbeat packet. Called by a recurring timer set upon initialization. """ self.send_data(bytes(HeartbeatMessage.create()), can_id=KILL_SEND_ID)
[docs] def on_hw_kill(self, alarm: Alarm) -> None: """ Update the classes' hw-kill alarm to the latest update. Args: alarm (:class:`~ros_alarms_msgs.msg._Alarm.Alarm`): The alarm message to update with. """ self._last_hw_kill = alarm
[docs] def on_command(self, msg: Thrust) -> None: """ When a thrust command message is received from the Subscriber, send the appropriate packet to the board. Args: msg (Thrust): The thrust message. """ for cmd in msg.thruster_commands: # If we don't have a mapping for this thruster, ignore it if not in self.thrusters: rospy.logwarn( f"Command received for {}, but this is not a thruster.", ) continue # Map commanded thrust (in newetons) to effort value (-1 to 1) effort = self.thrusters[].effort_from_thrust(cmd.thrust) # Send packet to command specified thruster the specified force packet = ThrustPacket.create_thrust_packet( self.name_to_id[], effort, ) self.send_data(bytes(packet), can_id=THRUST_SEND_ID)
[docs] def update_hw_kill(self, status: StatusMessage) -> None: """ If needed, update the hw-kill alarm so it reflects the latest status from the board. Args: status (StatusMessage): The status message. """ # Set severity / problem message appropriately severity = 0 message = "" if status.hard_killed: severity = 2 message = "Hard kill" elif status.soft_killed is True: severity = 1 reasons = [] if status.switch_soft_kill: reasons.append("switch") if status.mobo_soft_kill: reasons.append("mobo") if status.heartbeat_lost: reasons.append("heartbeat") message = "Soft kill from: " + ",".join(reasons) raised = severity != 0 # If the current status differs from the alarm, update the alarm if ( self._last_hw_kill is None or self._last_hw_kill.raised != raised or self._last_hw_kill.problem_description != message or self._last_hw_kill.severity != severity ): if raised: self._kill_broadcaster.raise_alarm( severity=severity, problem_description=message, ) else: self._kill_broadcaster.clear_alarm(severity=severity)
[docs] def on_data(self, data: bytes) -> None: """ Parse the two bytes and raise kills according to a set of specifications listed below. Specifications of the first byte (where "asserted" is 1 and "unasserted" is 0): +------------+-------------------------------------------+ | First Byte | Meaning | +============+===========================================+ | Bit 7 | Hard kill status, changed by the Hall | | | Effect switch. If this becomes 1, the | | | shutdown procedure begins. | +------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Bit 6 | The generalized soft kill status. Becomes | | | 1 if any of the specific soft kill flags | | | become 1. Returns to 0 if all kills are | | | cleared and the thrusters are done | | | re-initializing. | +------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Bit 5 | Soft kill flag for the Hall Effect sensor | +------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Bit 4 | Motherboard command soft kill flag. | +------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Bit 3 | Soft kill indicating heartbeat was lost. | | | Times out after one second. | +------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Bit 2 | | | Bit 1 | Reserved flags. | | Bit 0 | | +------------+-------------------------------------------+ Specifications of the second byte (where "pressed" is 1 and "unpressed" is 0): +-------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Second Byte | Meaning | +=============+===========================================+ | Bit 7 | Hard kill status representing the Hall | | | Effect switch. If this becomes 0 ("on"), | | | the hard kill in the previous byte | | | becomes 1. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Bit 6 | The soft kill status of the Hall Effect | | | sensor. If this is "pressed" (1) then bit | | | 5 of the previous byte becomes "unkilled" | | | (0). Removing the magnet "unpresses" the | | | switch. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Bit 5 | Go Hall Effect switch status. "Pressed" | | | is 1, removing the magnet "unpresses" the | | | switch. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Bit 4 | Thruster initializing status. Becomes 1 | | | when the board is unkilling and starts | | | powering thrusters. After the "grace | | | period" it becomes 0 and the overall soft | | | kill status becomes 0. The flag also | | | becomes 0 if killed in the middle of | | | initializing thrusters. | +-------------+-------------------------------------------+ | Bit 3 | | | Bit 2 | | | Bit 1 | Reserved flags. | | Bit 0 | | +-------------+-------------------------------------------+ """ status = StatusMessage.from_bytes(data) self.update_hw_kill(status) go = status.go_switch if self._last_go is None or go != self._last_go: if go: self._go_alarm_broadcaster.raise_alarm( problem_description="Go plug pulled!", ) else: self._go_alarm_broadcaster.clear_alarm( problem_description="Go plug returned", ) self._last_go = go