Source code for sub8_thrust_and_kill_board.simulation

import rospy
from mil_usb_to_can.sub8 import SimulatedCANDevice
from std_srvs.srv import SetBool, SetBoolRequest, SetBoolResponse

from .packets import (

[docs]class ThrusterAndKillBoardSimulation(SimulatedCANDevice): """ Serial simulator for the thruster and kill board, providing services to simulate physical plug connections/disconnections. Inherits from :class:`~mil_usb_to_can.SimulatedCANDevice`. Attributes: hard_kill_plug_pulled (bool): Whether the hard kill was set. hard_kill_mobo (bool): Whether the motherboard experienced a hard kill request. soft_kill_plug_pulled (bool): Whether the soft kill was set. soft_kill_mobo (bool): Whether the motherboard experienced a soft kill request. """ HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = rospy.Duration(1.0) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hard_kill_plug_pulled = False self.hard_kill_mobo = False self.soft_kill_plug_pulled = False self.soft_kill_mobo = False self.go_button = False self._last_heartbeat = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._update_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), self.send_updates) self._soft_kill = rospy.Service( "/simulate_soft_kill", SetBool, self.set_soft_kill, ) self._hard_kill = rospy.Service( "/simulate_hard_kill", SetBool, self.set_hard_kill, ) self._go_srv = rospy.Service("/simulate_go", SetBool, self._on_go_srv) def _on_go_srv(self, req): self.go_button = return {"success": True}
[docs] def set_soft_kill(self, req: SetBoolRequest) -> SetBoolResponse: """ Called by the `/simulate_soft_kill` service to set the soft kill state of the simluated device. Args: req (SetBoolRequest): The request to set the service with. Returns: SetBoolResponse: The response to the service that the operation was successful. """ self.soft_kill_plug_pulled = return SetBoolResponse(success=True)
[docs] def set_hard_kill(self, req: SetBoolRequest) -> SetBoolResponse: """ Called by the `/simulate_hard_kill` service to set the hard kill state of the simluated device. Args: req (SetBoolRequest): The request to set the service with. Returns: SetBoolResponse: The response to the service that the operation was successful. """ self.hard_kill_plug_pulled = return SetBoolResponse(success=True)
@property def hard_killed(self) -> bool: """ Whether the board was hard killed. Returns: bool: The status of the board being hard killed. """ return self.hard_kill_mobo or self.hard_kill_plug_pulled @property def heartbeat_timedout(self) -> bool: """ Whether the heartbeat timed out. Returns: bool: The status of the heartbeat timing out. """ return ( self._last_heartbeat is None or ( - self._last_heartbeat) > self.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS ) @property def soft_killed(self) -> bool: """ Whether the board was soft killed. Returns: bool: The status of the board being soft killed. """ return ( self.soft_kill_plug_pulled or self.soft_kill_mobo or self.heartbeat_timedout )
[docs] def send_updates(self, *args) -> None: """ Sends data about the class in a new status message. """ status = StatusMessage( self.heartbeat_timedout, self.soft_kill_mobo, self.soft_kill_plug_pulled, self.soft_killed, self.hard_killed, False, self.go_button, not self.soft_kill_plug_pulled, not self.hard_kill_plug_pulled, ) self.send_data(bytes(status))
[docs] def on_data(self, data: bytes, can_id: int) -> None: """ Serves as the data handler for the device. Handles :class:`KillMessage`, :class:`ThrustPacket`, and :class:`HeartbeatMessage` types. """ assert can_id in (THRUST_SEND_ID, KILL_SEND_ID) if data[0] == KillMessage.IDENTIFIER: packet = KillMessage.from_bytes(data) assert packet.is_command assert packet.is_hard or packet.is_soft if packet.is_hard: self.hard_kill_mobo = packet.is_asserted elif packet.is_soft: self.soft_kill_mobo = packet.is_asserted self.send_updates() elif data[0] == ThrustPacket.IDENTIFIER: packet = ThrustPacket.from_bytes(data) elif data[0] == HeartbeatMessage.IDENTIFIER: packet = HeartbeatMessage.from_bytes(data) self._last_heartbeat = else: raise Exception("No recognized identifier")