Source code for sub_actuator_board.packets

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import IntEnum

from mil_usb_to_can.sub9 import Packet

[docs]class ActuatorPacketId(IntEnum): """ Enumerator representing each controllable actuator. """ #: The gripper actuator. GRIPPER = 0 #: The torpedo launcher actuator. TORPEDO_LAUNCHER = 1 #: The ball drop actuator. Only one actuator is used for both balls. BALL_DROP = 2
[docs]@dataclass class ActuatorSetPacket(Packet, msg_id=0x03, subclass_id=0x00, payload_format="<BB"): """ Packet used by the actuator board to set a specific valve. Attributes: address (ActuatorPacketId): The actuator ID to set. open (bool): Whether to open the specified actuator. ``True`` requests opening, ``False`` requests closing. """ address: ActuatorPacketId open: bool
[docs]@dataclass class ActuatorPollRequestPacket( Packet, msg_id=0x03, subclass_id=0x01, payload_format="", ): """ Packet used by the actuator board to request the status of all valves. """
[docs]@dataclass class ActuatorPollResponsePacket( Packet, msg_id=0x03, subclass_id=0x02, payload_format="B", ): """ Packet used by the actuator board to return the status of all valves. Attributes: values (int): The statues of all actuators. Bits 0-3 represent the opened status of actuators 0-3. """ values: int @property def gripper_opened(self) -> bool: """ Whether the gripper is opened. """ return bool(self.values & (0b0001 << ActuatorPacketId.GRIPPER)) @property def torpedo_launcher_opened(self) -> bool: """ Whether the torpedo launcher is opened. """ return bool(self.values & (0b0001 << ActuatorPacketId.TORPEDO_LAUNCHER)) @property def ball_drop_opened(self) -> bool: """ Whether the ball drop is opened. """ return bool(self.values & (0b0001 << ActuatorPacketId.BALL_DROP))