Source code for subjugator_missions.pose_editor

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import MutableSequence, Sequence

import numpy as np
import rospy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, Quaternion, Twist, Vector3
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose as Pose
from mil_msgs.msg import MoveToGoal, PoseTwist, PoseTwistStamped
from mil_ros_tools import rosmsg_to_numpy
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from std_msgs.msg import Header
from tf import transformations

UP = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], np.float64)
    transformations.quaternion_about_axis(np.pi / 2 * i, UP) for i in range(4)

def normalized(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    x = np.array(x)
    if max(map(abs, x)) == 0:
        warnings.warn("Normalizing zero-length vector to random unit vector")
        x = np.random.standard_normal(x.shape)
    x = x / max(map(abs, x))
    x = x / np.linalg.norm(x)
    return x

def get_perpendicular(a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray | None = None) -> np.ndarray:
    a = np.array(a)
    if max(map(abs, a)) == 0:
        if b is not None:
            return get_perpendicular(b)
        return normalized(np.random.standard_normal(a.shape))

    if b is None:
        b = np.random.standard_normal(a.shape)
    b = np.array(b)
    x = np.cross(a, b)
    if max(map(abs, x)) == 0:
        return get_perpendicular(a)
    return normalized(x)

def quat_to_rotvec(q: np.ndarray):
    if q[3] < 0:
        q = -q
    q = transformations.unit_vector(q)
    angle = np.arccos(q[3]) * 2
    axis = normalized(q[0:3])
    return axis * angle

def rotvec_to_quat(rotvec: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    return transformations.quaternion_about_axis(np.linalg.norm(rotvec), rotvec)

def triad(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1) -> np.ndarray:
    # returns quaternion that rotates b1 to a1 and b2 near a2
    # can get orientation by passing in (global, local)
    (a1, a2) = xxx_todo_changeme
    (b1, b2) = xxx_todo_changeme1
    aa = get_perpendicular(a1, a2)
    A = np.array([normalized(a1), aa, normalized(np.cross(a1, aa))])
    bb = get_perpendicular(b1, b2)
    B = np.array([normalized(b1), bb, normalized(np.cross(b1, bb))])
    rot =
    return transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(
        [(a, b, c, 0) for a, b, c in rot] + [(0, 0, 0, 1)],

def test_triad():
    q = transformations.random_quaternion()

    a = np.random.standard_normal(3)
    b = np.random.standard_normal(3)

    m = transformations.quaternion_matrix(q)[:3, :3]
    q_ = triad((,, (a, b))

    assert (
        < 1e-6

def look_at(forward, upish=UP):
    # assumes standard forward-left-up body coordinate system
    return triad((forward, upish), ([1, 0, 0], UP))

def look_at_without_pitching(forwardish, up=UP):
    # assumes standard forward-left-up body coordinate system
    return triad((up, forwardish), (UP, [1, 0, 0]))

def look_at_camera(forward, upish=UP):
    # assumes camera right-down-forward coordinate system
    return triad((forward, upish), (UP, [0, -1, 0]))

def safe_wait_for_message(topic, topic_type):
    while True:
            return rospy.wait_for_message(topic, topic_type, 0.5)
        except rospy.exceptions.ROSException as e:
            if "timeout" not in e.message:
            print(topic, "wait_for_message timed out!")

[docs]class PoseEditor: """ Helper class used to create poses for the movement of SubjuGator. Frequently the methods from this class can be tied together in order to orchestrate multiple movements. .. code-block:: python class ExampleMission(SubjuGatorMission): pose = self.move() # new pose editor down = pose.down(3).left(2) # down 3m, left 2m await self.go(down, speed = 0.7) # go to that location at 0.7m/s .. container:: operations .. describe:: str(x) Pretty prints the position and orientation associated with the pose editor. .. describe:: repr(x) Pretty prints the position and orientation associated with the pose editor. """ def __init__( self, frame_id: str, position: MutableSequence[float], orientation: MutableSequence[float], ): self.frame_id = frame_id self.position = position self.orientation = orientation def __str__(self): return f"PoseEditor(frame_id={self.frame_id}, position={self.position}, orientation={self.orientation})" __repr__ = __str__
[docs] @classmethod def from_Odometry_topic(cls, topic: str = "/odom") -> PoseEditor: """ Gets a message from a topic sending Odometry messages, and uses the message to construct an editor. """ return cls.from_Odometry(safe_wait_for_message(topic, Odometry))
[docs] @classmethod def from_Odometry(cls, msg: Odometry) -> PoseEditor: """ Creates a pose editor from an Odometry message. """ return cls.from_Pose(msg.header.frame_id, msg.pose.pose)
[docs] @classmethod def from_PoseTwistStamped_topic(cls, topic: str) -> PoseEditor: """ Gets a message from a topic sending PoseTwistStamped messages, and uses the message to construct an editor. """ return cls.from_PoseTwistStamped(safe_wait_for_message(topic, PoseTwistStamped))
[docs] @classmethod def from_PoseTwistStamped(cls, msg: PoseTwistStamped) -> PoseEditor: """ Creates a pose editor from a PoseTwistStamped message. """ return cls.from_Pose(msg.header.frame_id, msg.posetwist.pose)
[docs] @classmethod def from_Pose(cls, frame_id: str, msg: Pose) -> PoseEditor: """ Creates a pose editor from a Pose message. Because a pose message does not contain a frame ID, you will need to provide it yourself alongside the message. """ return cls( frame_id, rosmsg_to_numpy(msg.position), rosmsg_to_numpy(msg.orientation), )
@property def _rot(self) -> np.ndarray: return transformations.quaternion_matrix(self.orientation)[:3, :3] @property def forward_vector(self): return[1, 0, 0]) @property def left_vector(self): return[0, 1, 0]) @property def body_up_vector(self): return # Position
[docs] def set_position(self, position: MutableSequence[float]) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a new pose editor with the same orientation, but a new position. Args: position (Sequence[float]): A list of three numbers, representing the x, y, and z dimensions of the position. """ return type(self)(self.frame_id, position, self.orientation)
[docs] def depth(self, depth: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns an adjusted pose editor with a set depth, relative to ``z = 0``. Args: depth (float): The depth to head to. """ return self.set_position([self.position[0], self.position[1], -depth])
[docs] def relative(self, rel_pos: Sequence[float]) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a new pose editor with a position relevant to the current rotation of the sub. If you are only interested in setting a new position with the x and y dimensions specified, please see :meth:`~.relative_depth` instead. Args: rel_pos (Sequence[float]): The position relevant to the sub's current rotation. This should include three numbers, one for each dimension of position. """ return self.set_position(self.position +
def strafe_relative(self, rel_pos_2d): rel_pos_3d = np.append(rel_pos_2d, 0.0) return self.set_position(self.position +
[docs] def relative_depth(self, rel_pos: Sequence[float]) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a new pose editor using a position relevant to the sub's current orientation. However, unlike :meth:`~.relative`, depth is preserved. Args: rel_pos (Sequence[float]): The new relative position to use in the editor. """ old_z = self.position[2] pose = self.relative(rel_pos) pose.position[2] = old_z return pose
[docs] def forward(self, distance: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor that moves the sub forward by some amount. Args: distance (float): The distance to move forward. """ return self.relative([+distance, 0, 0])
[docs] def backward(self, distance: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor that moves the sub backward by some amount. Args: distance (float): The distance to move backward. """ return self.relative([-distance, 0, 0])
[docs] def left(self, distance: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor that moves the sub left by some amount. Args: distance (float): The distance to move left. """ return self.relative([0, +distance, 0])
def right(self, distance: float) -> PoseEditor: return self.relative([0, -distance, 0]) def strafe_forward(self, distance: float): return self.relative_depth([+distance, 0, 0]) def strafe_backward(self, distance: float): return self.relative_depth([-distance, 0, 0]) def strafe_left(self, distance: float): return self.relative_depth([0, +distance, 0]) def strafe_right(self, distance: float): return self.relative_depth([0, -distance, 0])
[docs] def body_up(self, distance: float): """ Creates a pose directly vertically up of the current pose with the same orientation. Args: distance (float): The number of meters to move up. """ return self.relative([0, 0, +distance])
[docs] def body_down(self, distance: float): """ Creates a pose directly vertically down of the current pose with the same orientation. Args: distance (float): The number of meters to move down. """ return self.relative([0, 0, -distance])
[docs] def absolute(self, abs_pos: Sequence[float]) -> PoseEditor: """ Creates a pose editor with an adjusted absolute position. While the orientation of the submarine will be kept, the supplied position is not relative to the sub's orientation; rather, it is an absolute position, relative only to the world frame. This method is used by methods such as :meth:`~.east` or :meth:`~.west` to move the sub in regards to its position only. """ return type(self)(self.frame_id, self.position + abs_pos, self.orientation)
[docs] def east(self, distance: float): """ Returns a pose editor that has been adjusted by some distance in the absolute east direction. This method does not take into account the orientation of the sub. Args: distance (float): The number of meters to move east. """ return self.absolute([+distance, 0, 0])
[docs] def west(self, distance: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor that has been adjusted by some distance in the absolute west direction. This method does not take into account the orientation of the sub. Args: distance (float): The number of meters to move west. """ return self.absolute([-distance, 0, 0])
[docs] def north(self, distance: float): """ Returns a pose editor that has been adjusted by some distance in the absolute north direction. This method does not take into account the orientation of the sub. Args: distance (float): The number of meters to move north. """ return self.absolute([0, +distance, 0])
[docs] def south(self, distance: float): """ Returns a pose editor that has been adjusted by some distance in the absolute south direction. This method does not take into account the orientation of the sub. Args: distance (float): The number of meters to move south. """ return self.absolute([0, -distance, 0])
[docs] def up(self, distance: float): """ Creates a pose directly vertically up of the current pose with the same orientation. Args: distance (float): The number of meters to move up. """ return self.absolute([0, 0, +distance])
[docs] def down(self, distance: float): """ Creates a pose directly vertically down of the current pose with the same orientation. Args: distance (float): The number of meters to move down. """ return self.absolute([0, 0, -distance])
# Orientation
[docs] def set_orientation(self, orientation: Sequence[float]) -> PoseEditor: """ Completely overwrites the orientation of the pose editor with a new orientation Args: orientation (Sequence[float]): The new orientation to use with the pose editor. """ return type(self)(self.frame_id, self.position, orientation)
def look_at_rel(self, rel_point): return self.set_orientation(look_at(rel_point)) def look_at(self, point): return self.look_at_rel(point - self.position) def look_at_rel_without_pitching(self, rel_point): return self.set_orientation(look_at_without_pitching(rel_point)) def look_at_without_pitching(self, point): return self.look_at_rel_without_pitching(point - self.position) def point_vec_towards(self, body_vec, towards_point): return self.point_vec_towards_rel(body_vec, towards_point - self.pos) def point_vec_towards_rel(self, body_vec, towards_rel_point): return self.set_orientation(triad((towards_rel_point, UP), (body_vec, UP))) def turn_vec_towards(self, body_vec, towards_point): return self.turn_vec_towards_rel(body_vec, towards_point - self.pos) def turn_vec_towards_rel(self, body_vec, towards_rel_point) -> PoseEditor: return self.set_orientation(triad((UP, towards_rel_point), (UP, body_vec)))
[docs] def yaw_left(self, angle: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor with the orientation yawed to the left by some radian amount. Args: angle (float): The angle, in radians. """ return self.set_orientation( transformations.quaternion_multiply( transformations.quaternion_about_axis(angle, UP), self.orientation, ), )
[docs] def yaw_right(self, angle: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor with the orientation yawed to the right by some radian amount. Args: angle (float): The angle, in radians. """ return self.yaw_left(-angle)
[docs] def yaw_left_deg(self, angle_degrees: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor with the orientation yawed to the left by some degree amount. Args: angle (float): The angle, in degrees. """ return self.yaw_left(np.radians(angle_degrees))
[docs] def yaw_right_deg(self, angle_degrees: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor with the orientation yawed to the right by some degree amount. Args: angle (float): The angle, in degrees. """ return self.yaw_right(np.radians(angle_degrees))
turn_left = yaw_left turn_right = yaw_right turn_left_deg = yaw_left_deg turn_right_deg = yaw_right_deg
[docs] def heading(self, heading: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor with a heading pointing to a specific direction. Args: heading (float): The heading, in radians. """ return self.set_orientation(transformations.quaternion_about_axis(heading, UP))
[docs] def heading_deg(self, heading_deg: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor with a heading pointing to a specific direction. Args: heading (float): The heading, in degrees. """ return self.heading(np.radians(heading_deg))
[docs] def roll_right(self, angle: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor rolled to the right by a specific radian amount. Args: angle (float): The angle to roll, in radians. """ return self.set_orientation( transformations.quaternion_multiply( self.orientation, transformations.quaternion_about_axis(angle, [1, 0, 0]), ), )
[docs] def roll_left(self, angle: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor rolled to the left by a specific radian amount. Args: angle (float): The angle to roll, in radians. """ return self.roll_right(-angle)
[docs] def roll_right_deg(self, angle_degrees: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor rolled to the right by a specific degree amount. Args: angle (float): The angle to roll, in radians. """ return self.roll_right(np.radians(angle_degrees))
[docs] def roll_left_deg(self, angle_degrees: float) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor rolled to the left by a specific degree amount. Args: angle (float): The angle to roll, in radians. """ return self.roll_left(np.radians(angle_degrees))
[docs] def zero_roll(self) -> PoseEditor: """ Returns a pose editor with zero roll. """ return self.set_orientation(look_at(self.forward_vector))
def pitch_down(self, angle: float) -> PoseEditor: return self.set_orientation( transformations.quaternion_multiply( transformations.quaternion_about_axis( angle, self.zero_roll().left_vector, ), self.orientation, ), ) def pitch_up(self, angle: float) -> PoseEditor: return self.pitch_down(-angle) def pitch_down_deg(self, angle_degrees: float) -> PoseEditor: return self.pitch_down(np.radians(angle_degrees)) def pitch_up_deg(self, angle_degrees: float) -> PoseEditor: return self.pitch_up(np.radians(angle_degrees)) def zero_roll_and_pitch(self) -> PoseEditor: return self.set_orientation(look_at_without_pitching(self.forward_vector))
[docs] def as_Pose(self) -> Pose: """ Constructs a :class:`~geometry_msgs.msg.Pose` message class from the pose editor. """ return Pose( position=Point(*self.position), orientation=Quaternion(*self.orientation), )
[docs] def as_PoseTwist( self, linear: Sequence[float] = [0, 0, 0], angular: Sequence[float] = [0, 0, 0], ): """ Returns a :class:`~mil_msgs.msg.PoseTwist` message class with the pose supplied from the current pose editor. The linear and angular twist are supplied as parameters. Args: linear (Sequence[float]): The linear twist. angular (Sequence[float]): The angular twist. """ return PoseTwist( pose=self.as_Pose(), twist=Twist( linear=Vector3(*linear), angular=Vector3(*angular), ), )
[docs] def as_PoseTwistStamped( self, linear: Sequence[float] = [0, 0, 0], angular: Sequence[float] = [0, 0, 0], ) -> PoseTwistStamped: """ Returns a :class:`~mil_msgs.msg.PoseTwist` message class with the pose supplied from the current pose editor. The linear and angular twist are supplied as parameters. The header includes the frame ID specified in the current pose editor. Args: linear (Sequence[float]): The linear twist. angular (Sequence[float]): The angular twist. """ return PoseTwistStamped( header=Header( frame_id=self.frame_id, ), posetwist=self.as_PoseTwist(linear, angular), )
def as_MoveToGoal( self, linear: Sequence[float] = [0, 0, 0], angular: Sequence[float] = [0, 0, 0], **kwargs, ) -> MoveToGoal: return MoveToGoal( header=Header( frame_id=self.frame_id, ), posetwist=self.as_PoseTwist(linear, angular), **kwargs, ) # allow implicit usage in place of a PoseTwistStamped @property def header(self) -> Header: return Header( frame_id=self.frame_id, ) @property def posetwist(self) -> PoseTwist: return self.as_PoseTwist() # and in place of a MoveToGoal @property def speed(self) -> int: return 0 @property def uncoordinated(self) -> bool: return False @property def linear_tolerance(self) -> int: return 0 @property def angular_tolerance(self) -> int: return 0