Source code for subjugator_system_id.dynamics

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import rospy
from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF

[docs]class SubjuGatorDynamics: """ Models the dynamcis of SubjuGator, providing a shared interface for nodes using dynamics or inverse dynamics. Attributes: mass (float): Mass of the sub (in kg). volume (float): Volume of sub in m^3. drag_coeffs (np.ndarray): A 6x1 numpy array. N/(m/s) drag coefficients for X, Y, Z, R, P, Y. height (float): Height of the sub in meters. water_density (float): Density of water in kg/m^3. air_density (float): Density of air in kg/m^3. G (float): Acceleration due to gravity in negative z of world frame in m/s^2. """ def __init__( self, mass: float, rotational_inertia: np.ndarray, volume: float, drag_coeffs: np.ndarray, height: float, water_density: float, air_density: float, G: float, ): """ Args: mass (float): Mass of the sub (in kg). rotational_inertia (np.ndarray): 3x3 rotational inertia matrix. volume (float): Volume of sub in m^3. drag_coeffs (np.ndarray): A 6x1 numpy array. N/(m/s) drag coefficients for X, Y, Z, R, P, Y. height (float): Height of the sub in meters. water_density (float): Density of water in kg/m^3. air_density (float): Density of air in kg/m^3. G (float): Acceleration due to gravity in negative z of world frame in m/s^2. """ self.mass = mass self.volume = volume self.drag_coeffs = drag_coeffs self.G = G self.height = height self.water_density = water_density self.air_density = air_density # Form 6 dimensional rotational matrix from mass and rotational inertia self.inertia = np.zeros((6, 6), dtype=float) self.inertia[0:3, 0:3] = self.mass * np.eye(3) self.inertia[3:6, 3:6] = rotational_inertia self.inertia_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.inertia)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ros_params(cls): """ Initialize class from URDF and the ``/robot_paramters/`` ROS param set by ``upload.launch``. """ # Parse URDF of Sub for inertial information, etc urdf_string = rospy.get_param("/robot_description") urdf = URDF.from_xml_string(urdf_string) # Get root link of model root = urdf.link_map[urdf.get_root()] mass = root.inertial.mass rotational_inertia = np.array(root.inertial.inertia.to_matrix()) drag_linear = np.array(rospy.get_param("/robot_parameters/drag/linear_coeffs")) drag_angular = np.array( rospy.get_param("/robot_parameters/drag/angular_coeffs"), ) drag_coeffs = np.hstack((drag_linear, drag_angular)).T volume = rospy.get_param("/robot_parameters/volume") height = rospy.get_param("/robot_parameters/height") water_density = rospy.get_param("/robot_parameters/fluid_density") air_density = rospy.get_param("/robot_parameters/air_density") G = rospy.get_param("/robot_parameters/G") return cls( mass, rotational_inertia, volume, drag_coeffs, height, water_density, air_density, G, )
[docs] def drag(self, twist: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate force/torque due to drag. Args: twist (np.ndarray): 6x1 linear + angular velocity in body frame in m/s or rad/s. Returns: np.ndarray: 6x1 NumPy array of force + torque due to drag in body frame in N or N-M. """ return -(self.drag_coeffs * twist)
[docs] def gravity_and_buoyancy(self, z: float, world_to_body: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate force/torque due to gravity and buoyancy. Args: z (float): Z coordinate of the position of the sub's center of mass in the world frame. world_to_body (np.ndarray): 3x3 rotation matrix to rotate world frame to body frame. Returns: np.ndarray: Force vector representing buoyancy and gravity. """ # Calculate effect of gravity gravity = -self.G * self.mass # Estimate proportion of Sub's volume which is above the water (for buoyancy calculation) height_above_water = min(self.height, max(0.0, 0.5 * self.height + z)) if height_above_water == 0.0: proportion_above_water = 0.0 else: proportion_above_water = height_above_water / self.height # Calculate the portion of buoyancy force above the water # buoyancy_above_water = ( self.air_density * self.G * self.volume ) * proportion_above_water # Calculate the portion of the buoyancy force below the water buoyancy_below_water = (self.water_density * self.G * self.volume) * ( 1.0 - proportion_above_water ) # Combine buoyancy and gravity into a single force vector grav_buoyancy = np.zeros(6) grav_buoyancy[2] = buoyancy_above_water + buoyancy_below_water + gravity # Rotate it into the body frame to be used in total force calculation grav_buoyancy[:3] =[:3]) return grav_buoyancy
[docs] def newton_euler_extra_term(self, twist: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the "extra term" in the newton-euler equations for 3D acceleration. Args: twist (np.ndarray): 6x1 linear + angular velocity in body frame in m/s or rad/s. """ extra_term = np.zeros(6) extra_term[3:6] = np.cross(twist[3:6], self.inertia[3:6, 3:6].dot(twist[3:6])) return extra_term
[docs] def inverse_dynamics( self, z: float, twist: np.ndarray, world_to_body: np.ndarray, wrench: np.ndarray = np.zeros(6), ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the acceleration of the sub given a wrench, taking into account drag, buoyancy, and gravity. Args: z (float): z coordinate of the position of the sub's center of mass in the world frame. twist (np.ndarray): 6x1 linear + angular velocity in body frame in m/s or rad/s. world_to_body (np.ndarray): 3x3 rotation matrix to rotate world frame to body frame. wrench (np.ndarray): 6x1 force + torque additional applied to body from motors, etc. Returns: np.ndarray: 6x1 linear + angular acceleration in body frame in m/s^2 or rad/s^2. """ total_wrench = ( wrench + self.drag(twist) + self.gravity_and_buoyancy(z, world_to_body) ) return self.inverse_dynamics_from_total_wrench(twist, total_wrench)
[docs] def inverse_dynamics_from_total_wrench( self, twist: np.ndarray, total_wrench: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the acceleration of the Sub given the total force/torque on the body. Args: twist (np.ndarray): 6x1 linear + angular velocity in body frame in m/s or rad/s. wrench (np.ndarray): 6x1 total force + torque applied to body. Returns: np.ndarray: 6x1 linear + angular acceleration in body frame in m/s^2 or rad/s^2. """ # Perform Newton-Euler equation to determine acceleration # return - self.newton_euler_extra_term(twist))
[docs] def dynamics(self, twist: np.ndarray, accel: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the net force + torque which produced a given acceleration. Args: twist (np.ndarray): 6x1 linear + angular velocity in body frame in m/s or rad/s. accel (np.ndarray): 6x1 linear + angular acceleration in body frame in m/s^2 or rad/s^2. Returns: np.ndarray: 6x1 force + torque in body frame, N or N-M """ return + self.newton_euler_extra_term(twist)