Source code for mil_vision_tools.image_proc

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
from cv_bridge.boost.cv_bridge_boost import cvtColor2
from image_geometry import PinholeCameraModel
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image

[docs]class ImageSet: """ Represents a set of images passed to ImageProc. After then algorithm operates on the raw image, the other parameters are completed as well. Attributes: color_encoding (Optional[str]): The color encoding used in the images, if relevant. May be ``None`` if never set. raw (Optional[np.ndarray]): The raw image used. mono (Optional[np.ndarray]): The mono image output (in ``mono8`` colorspace). rect (Optional[np.ndarray]): The rectified image used (using the mono image). color (Optional[np.ndarray]): The color image output. rect_color (Optional[np.ndarray]): The rectified image output (using the color image). """ color_encoding: Optional[str] raw: Optional[np.ndarray] mono: Optional[np.ndarray] rect: Optional[np.ndarray] color: Optional[np.ndarray] rect_color: Optional[np.ndarray] def __init__(self): self.color_encoding = None self.raw = None self.mono = None self.rect = None self.color = None self.rect_color = None
[docs]class ImageProc: """ Translation of image_proc processor, originally in C++. Used to debayer and rectify images. Use a bitmask assembled from the below flags to change the behavior of process. Attributes: RAW (int): Flag representing the raw representation of an image. Equal to ``0``. MONO (int): Flag representing that the output should include a mono image. RECT (int): Flag representing that the output should include a rectified image. COLOR (int): Flag representing that the output should include a color image. RECT_COLOR (int): Flag representing that the output should include a rectified color image. ALL (int): Flag representing that all outputs should be completed. bridge (CvBridge): The ROS bridge to OpenCV. """ # # Flags to select which images should be outputted RAW = 0 MONO = 1 << 0 RECT = 1 << 1 COLOR = 1 << 2 RECT_COLOR = 1 << 3 ALL = MONO | RECT | COLOR | RECT_COLOR bridge = CvBridge()
[docs] @staticmethod def process( raw_msg: Image, model: Optional[PinholeCameraModel], out: ImageSet, flags: int, ) -> None: """ Given an original image message (sensor_msgs/Image), fill in the out ImageSet with the processed (debayered, rectified, grayscaled) images (in numpy format) based on the flags. Args: raw_msg (:class:`~sensor_msgs.msg._Image.Image`): Original image message to process. model (Optional[PinholeCameraModel]): Camera model used to rectify images if :attr:`RECT` or :attr:`RECT_COLOR` flag is set. If images do not need to be rectified, then using ``None`` for this attribute is acceptable. out (ImageSet): The requested images will be set in out based on the flags bitmask. flags (int): A bitmask of the flags inticating which processed images you want in out. For example, using the ``ImageProc.RECT_COLOR | ImageColor.RECT`` mask will fill in the raw, rect_color, and rect images in the output. Raises: Exception: The ``model`` parameter is not an instance of ``PinholeCameraModel``, but a rectified image is desired. """ # always set raw out.raw = ImageProc.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(raw_msg) if not bool(flags & ImageProc.ALL): return mono = ImageProc.MONO | ImageProc.RECT color = ImageProc.COLOR | ImageProc.RECT_COLOR # Check that camera model is set if we are rectifying an image rect = bool(ImageProc.RECT | ImageProc.RECT_COLOR) if rect and not isinstance(model, PinholeCameraModel): raise Exception("camera model is not a PinholeCameraModel instance") raw_encoding = raw_msg.encoding # convert bayer to color and mono as needed if raw_encoding.find("bayer") != -1: if color: out.color = cvtColor2(out.raw, raw_encoding, "bgr8") out.color_encoding = "bgr8" if mono: out.mono = cvtColor2(out.raw, raw_encoding, "mono8") elif raw_encoding.find("mono") != -1: if mono: out.mono = out.raw if color: raise Exception("can't get color from mono image") else: # Otherwise assume color if mono: out.mono = cvtColor2(out.raw, raw_encoding, "mono8") if color: out.color = out.raw out.color_encoding = raw_encoding if flags & ImageProc.RECT: if out.rect is None: out.rect = np.zeros(out.mono.shape) model.rectifyImage(out.mono, out.rect) if flags & ImageProc.RECT_COLOR: if out.rect_color is None: out.rect_color = np.zeros(out.color.shape, out.color.dtype) model.rectifyImage(out.color, out.rect_color)