Computer Vision¶
Utility Functions¶
- mil_vision_tools.auto_canny(image: ndarray, sigma: float = 0.33) ndarray [source]¶
Returns a binary image of the edges in an image. Uses the median of the image to pick good low and upper threshold values for Canny, which makes it both adaptive and require less tuning.
- Parameters
image (np.ndarray) – Grayscale image to find edges in.
sigma (float) – Number ranging from zero to one, rating how aggressively to find edges in an image, where 1 will produce the most edges but also the most noise.
- Returns
An image with the canny algorithm applied.
- Return type
- mil_vision_tools.contour_centroid(contour: List[float], M: Optional[Any] = None) Tuple[int, int] [source]¶
Returns the centroid of the contour. If you have already calculated the moments for this contour, pass it in as the second parameter so it not recalculated.
- mil_vision_tools.contour_mask(contour: ndarray, img_shape: Optional[List[int]] = None, mask: Optional[ndarray] = None)[source]¶
Returns an image with the mask of a filled in contour given a image shape.
One of
MUST not be None. Ifimg_shape
is set, a new mask image is created with that size. Ifmask
is set, zero it out then draw mask.- Parameters
contour (np.ndarray) – An array representing the
(x, y)
position of a contour point.img_shape (Optional[List[int]]) – An array representing the shape of the image. The first value represents the number of rows, while the second value represents the number of columns.
() (mask) –
- mil_vision_tools.putText_ul(img: ndarray, text: str, org: ndarray, fontFace: int = 5, fontScale: int = 1, color: int = 255, thickness: int = 2, lineType: int = 8, bottomLeftOrigin: bool = False) None [source]¶
Puts text on image like cv2.putText but shifts it such that the origin is the upper left corner of where the text is placed, instead of the bottom left as OpenCV does by default.
- Parameters
img (np.ndarray) – The source image to add text to.
text (str) – The text to add to the image.
org (np.ndarray) – An array representing the origin of the image as
[x, y]
.fontFace (int) – The font to use. Defaults to
.fontScale (int) – The scale of the font. Defaults to 1.
color (int) – The color of the font. Defaults to 255.
thickness (int) – The thickness of the text. Defaults to 2.
lineType (int) – The type of line to draw in the image. Defaults to 8.
bottomLeftOrigin (bool) – Whether to use the bottom left corner as the origin. If False, then the top left corner is used instead. Defaults to
- mil_vision_tools.points_in_image(camera: PinholeCameraModel, points: ndarray) ndarray [source]¶
Returns Mx2 np array of image points from projecting given 3D points. Only points within image resolution are included in output points, ignoring any outside the resolution of the camera.
- Parameters
camera_mode (PinholeCameraModel) – PinholeCameraModel instance of camera.
points (np.ndarray) – Nx3 np array of 3 points in camera frame.
- Returns
Mx2 of projected image points which are within camera resolution.
- Return type
- mil_vision_tools.roi_enclosing_points(camera: PinholeCameraModel, points: ndarray, border: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0)) Optional[Tuple[slice, slice]] [source]¶
Gets region of interest in image which encloses the projected 3D points. Output is given in slice format, so user can easily slice image.
>>> roi = roi_enclosing_points(camera_model, object_points) >>> img_object = img[roi] >>> cv2.imshow('Object', img_object)
- Parameters
- Returns
Region of interest tuple that can be used to slice image in format
(slice(ymin, ymax), slice(xmin, xmax))
if none of the points can be seen in the image.- Return type
- mil_vision_tools.rect_from_roi(roi: Tuple[slice, slice])[source]¶
Return rectangle style tuple from a roi slice tuple, like the one from roi_enclosing_points.
>>> roi = roi_enclosing_points(camera_model, object_points) >>> rectangle = tuple_from_slice(roi) >>> cv2.rectangle(img, rectangle[0], rectangle[1], (0, 255, 0), 3)
- mil_vision_tools.quaternion_from_rvec(rvec: ndarray) ndarray [source]¶
Converts a rotation vector (like from cv2.SolvePnP) into a quaternion.
- Parameters
rvec (np.ndarray) – The source rotation vector.
- Returns
The resulting quaternion matrix.
- Return type
- mil_vision_tools.create_object_msg(name: str, confidence: Optional[float] = None, center: Optional[ndarray] = None, contour: Optional[ndarray] = None, rect: Optional[ndarray] = None, attributes: str = '')[source]¶
Helper function to create a
message.Only one of center, contour, or rect should be set, depending on what information is needed/available in your application.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the identified object.
attributes (str) – Attributes to attach to message, the purpose and value of this attribute will vary by application. Defaults to an empty string.
confidence (Optional[float]) – Float between 0 and 1 describing the confidence that name is correct for this object. Leave as
if confidence is not known (will be set to -1).center (Optional[np.ndarray]) –
[x, y]
of the center point of the object.contour (Optional[np.ndarray]) – Nx1x2 or Nx2 numpy array of pixels making up the contour around the object.
rect (Optional[np.ndarray]) – A 4 wide tuple/array-like representing the bounding box around the object as
(X, Y, width, height)
, which is the representation returned by cv2.boundingRect.
- Returns
Message object filled as described above.
- Return type
bool mil_vision::larger_contour(const Contour &c1, const Contour &c2)¶
cv::MatND mil_vision::smooth_histogram(const cv::MatND &histogram, size_t filter_kernel_size = 3, float sigma = 1.0)¶
std::vector<float> mil_vision::generate_gaussian_kernel_1D(size_t kernel_size = 3, float sigma = 1.0)¶
std::vector<cv::Point> mil_vision::find_local_maxima(const cv::MatND &histogram, float thresh_multiplier)¶
std::vector<cv::Point> mil_vision::find_local_minima(const cv::MatND &histogram, float thresh_multiplier)¶
unsigned int mil_vision::select_hist_mode(std::vector<cv::Point> &histogram_modes, unsigned int target)¶
unsigned int mil_vision::select_hist_mode(std::vector<cv::Point> &histogram_modes, int target)¶
cv::Mat mil_vision::rotateKernel(const cv::Mat &kernel, float theta, bool deg = false, bool no_expand = false)¶
Returns a version of the input kernel rotated about its center point.
- Parameters
kernel – Original kernel.
theta – Angle in radians by which to rotate the kernel. Positive angles rotate the kernel counterclockwise.
deg – Optional, defaults to false. Will assume that theta is given in degrees if set to true.
no_expand – Optional, defaults to false. Will leave the output size the same as the input size. Parts of the original kernel may fall outside the output canvas after the rotation.
cv::Mat mil_vision::makeRotInvariant(const cv::Mat &kernel, int rotations = 8)¶
Creates a new kernel that is rotationally invariant by averaging rotated instances of the original.
- Parameters
kernel – Original kernel.
rotations – Optional, defaults to 8. The number of the times that the original kernel will be rotated before the rotated versions are averaged together. The rotated kernels will be uniformly spread angularly.
float mil_vision::getRadialSymmetryAngle(const cv::Mat &kernel, float ang_res = 0.1, bool deg = false)¶
Returns the minimum theta for which a version of the kernel that has been rotated by theta radians will be approximately identical to the original.
- Parameters
kernel – The input kernel.
ang_res – Optional, defaults to 0.1. The result will be a multiple of this angle.
deg – Optional, defaults to false. The output will be in degrees instead of radias if set to true.
C++ Type Aliases¶
Vision Utility Functions¶
Eigen::Vector3d mil_vision::kanatani_triangulation(const cv::Point2d &pt1, const cv::Point2d &pt2, const Eigen::Matrix3d &essential, const Eigen::Matrix3d &R)¶
Computes a triangulation using a method developed in research by K. Kanatani, shared in the paper found here.
This method attempts to calculate the triangulation of two points in stereo vision, given two points, an essential matrix, and (presumably) the horizontal difference between the points.
This method does not appear to be used for any particular action in the codebase. It may have only been written as a test.
- Parameters
pt1 – The first point from the first camera.
pt2 – The second point from the second camera.
essential – The essential matrix to use in the calcaulation.
R – ???
void mil_vision::statistical_image_segmentation(const cv::Mat &src, cv::Mat &dest, cv::Mat &debug_img, const int hist_size, const float **ranges, const int target, std::string image_name = "Unnamed Image", bool ret_dbg_img = false, const float sigma = 1.5, const float low_thresh_gain = 0.5, const float high_thresh_gain = 0.5)¶
cv::Mat mil_vision::triangulate_Linear_LS(cv::Mat mat_P_l, cv::Mat mat_P_r, cv::Mat undistorted_l, cv::Mat undistorted_r)¶
Eigen::Vector3d mil_vision::lindstrom_triangulation(const cv::Point2d &pt1, const cv::Point2d &pt2, const Eigen::Matrix3d &essential, const Eigen::Matrix3d &R)¶
- clsContourClassifier.FEATURES
- defclass_to_string
- defclassify
- defclassify_features
- defextract_labels
- deffeature_probabilities
- defget_features
- defmain
- defprobabilities
- defread_from_csv
- defsave_csv
- defscore
- defstring_to_class
- deftrain
- deftrain_from_csv
- class mil_vision_tools.ContourClassifier(classes: List[str], training_file: Optional[str] = None, labelfile: Optional[str] = None, image_dir: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶
Abstract class to represent a classifier for contours within images.
See GaussianColorClassifier for an example.
- abstract class property FEATURES: List[str]¶
For concrete classes, must return a list of strings naming the features returned by get_features.
For example, an example overload might return
['red_mean', 'blue_mean', 'green_mean']
- class_to_string(classes: Union[List[int], int]) Union[List[str], str] [source]¶
Maps a single integer or list of integers representing a class index to the corresponding class string in the set of those passed to the constructor.
- classify(img: ndarray, mask: ndarray) int [source]¶
Classify a contour.
- Parameters
img (np.ndarray) – 2D image representation.
mask (np.ndarray) – Binary mask image representing the contour.
- Returns
The class index this is most probable given the features in that contour.
- abstract classify_features(features: ndarray) int [source]¶
For concrete classes, classify a contour based on it’s set of features returned from get_features.
- Parameters
features (np.ndarray) – a list of numerical features in the order returned by
.- Returns
The index of the class which is the most probabable classification based on the features.
- extract_labels(labelfile: Optional[str] = None, image_dir: Optional[str] = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] [source]¶
Extract features and labeled classes from a project labeled on
- Parameters
- Raises
Exception – No labels were found.
- Returns
Tuple of the features found and classes found.
- Return type
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
- feature_probabilities(features: ndarray) List[float] [source]¶
Allows child classes to give probabilities for each possible class given a features vector, instead of just one classification. By default, gives 1.0 to classified class and 0.0 to others.
- Returns
The list of probabilities. Each member ranges from 0 to 1.
- Return type
- abstract get_features(img: ndarray, mask: ndarray) ndarray [source]¶
Returns an array of numerical features based on on the image and contour mask. This should be implemented in all child classes.
- Parameters
img (np.ndarray) – The 2D image to get the features of.
mask (np.ndarray) – The contour mask to apply over the image.
- Returns
An array of numerical features found.
- Return type
- main(params, description='Interface with a contour classifier class')[source]¶
Allows execution of the class from a command-line interface.
- probabilities(img: ndarray, mask: ndarray) List[float] [source]¶
Return a vector of probabilities of the features retrieved from the contour with given mask corresponding to the class list.
- Parameters
img (np.ndarray) – 2D image representation.
mask (np.ndarray) – Binary mask image representing the contour.
- Returns
The list of probabilities across the entire image.
- Return type
- read_from_csv(training_file: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶
Return features and classes from specified training file.
- Parameters
training_file (Optional[str]) – The name of the training file.
- save_csv(features: Union[_SupportsArray[dtype], _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype]], bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes, _NestedSequence[Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes]]], classes: Union[_SupportsArray[dtype], _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype]], bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes, _NestedSequence[Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes]]], training_file: Optional[str] = None) None [source]¶
Save the features and labeled classes to a csv file to be used in later training.
- Parameters
features (npt.ArrayLike) – The features found.
classes (npt.ArrayLike) – The classes used in the classifier.
training_file (Optional[str]) – The name of the file to save the data as.
- score(features: ndarray, classes: ndarray) float [source]¶
Returns the classification accuracy based on the set of features and labeled class indices.
- Parameters
features (np.ndarray) – Array of shape
(n_samples, m_features)
, where each row is a list of features.classes (np.ndarray) – Array of shape
with labeled class indices.
- Returns
A proportion accuracy correct_classificiations / len(classes).
- string_to_class(strings: Union[List[str], str]) Union[List[int], int] [source]¶
Maps a single string or list of strings representing a class in the set of those passed to the constructor to the corresponding integer index representing this class, used in most functions for training / classification.
- abstract train(features: ndarray, classes: ndarray)[source]¶
For concrete classes, train the classifier based on the set of features and their labeled class index.
- Parameters
features (np.ndarray) – Array with shape
(n_samples, m_features)
, where each row is a list of features in the order returned fromget_features()
.classes (np.ndarray) – List with shape
of labeled class index corresponding to each row of features.
- class mil_vision_tools.Threshold(low: Union[List[int], Tuple[int], ndarray], high: Union[List[int], Tuple[int], ndarray], conversion_code: Optional[str] = None, in_space: str = 'BGR', thresh_space: str = 'BGR')[source]¶
Helper class to represent the upper and lower bounds of a color threshold in OpenCV-related processes. This class could be used to only locate parts of an image between two color ranges, a lower range and an upper range.
For example:
Threshold((0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) # Thresholds BGR image in BGR colorpace Threshold([25, 180 180], np.array([50, 190, 200]), thresh_space='LAB') # Thresholds BGR image in LAB Threshold((50, 50, 50), [200, 200, 200], in_space='HSV', thresh_space='LAB') # Threshold HSV image in LAB
- conversion_code¶
The conversion code describing how to convert the image between two different colorspaces. This could be a string, such as COLOR_RGB2GRAY (if a string is passed in initialization) or an integer (if
is passed in its place andin_space
are relied upon to determine the color conversion).None
if no conversion is supplied and the in and threshold space are the same.
- Raises
AttributeError – No conversion code could be determined.
- create_trackbars(window: Optional[str] = None) None [source]¶
Create OpenCV GUI trackbars to adjust the threshold values live.
- Parameters
window (Optional[str]) – Name of OpenCV window to put trackbars in.
- classmethod from_dict(d, in_space: str = 'BGR', thresh_space: Optional[str] = None)[source]¶
Loads thresholds from a dictionary. See examples for valid dictionaries.
For example, to load a threshold from a dictionary:
>>> a = {'HSV': {'low': [0, 20, 50], 'high': [255, 255, 255]} } >>> Threshold.from_dict(a) Threshold([0, 20, 50], [255, 255, 255], thresh_space='HSV') >>> b = {'LAB': {'low': [0, 66, 66], 'high': [255, 180, 180]} } Threshold([0, 66, 66], [255, 180, 180], thresh_space='LAB')
- Raises
AssertionError – A variety of checks failed.
AttributeError – No valid colorspace was found in the dictionary.
- Parameters
- class mil_vision_tools.ImageMux(size: Tuple[int, int] = (480, 640), shape: Tuple[int, int] = (2, 2), labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, keep_ratio: bool = True, border_color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), border_thickness: int = 1, text_color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (255, 255, 255), text_font: int = 5, text_scale: int = 1, text_thickness: int = 2)[source]¶
Utility to create a customizable square grid of images, with labels and borders, which will generate a single image from the grid at any time. Useful for combining several debug images into one.
See the
file for a usage example.- x[key] = img
Sets the
index in the panes of the grid to haveimg
as the source image for that pane. Equivalent to usingset_image()
- x()
Returns the grid image, with decorations. Equivalent to calling
- size¶
Tuple representing the size of the grid image, in pixels.
- Type
- shape¶
Tuple containing number of
(rows, cols)
of smaller images in the grid.- Type
- labels¶
List of strings or
of lengthshape[0] * shape[1]
. Each label corresponds to one image in the grid.- Type
- pane_size¶
A numpy array of
(height, width)
representing the size of each pane, in pixels.- Type
- border_color¶
The color of the border to use, in BGR format. Defaults to
[255, 255, 255]
, or white.
- text_color¶
The color of the text to use for the image labels. Defaults to
[255, 255, 255]
, or white.
- Parameters
size (Tuple[int, int]) – Tuple representing the size of the grid image, in pixels.
shape (Tuple[int, int]) – Tuple containing number of
(rows, cols)
of smaller images in the grid.labels (Optional[List[str]]) – Optional list of strings of length
shape[0] * shape[1]
. Each label corresponds to one image in the grid.keep_ratio (bool) – If True, do not stretch image to insert into grid pane
border_color (Tuple[int, int, int]) – The color of the border to use, in BGR format. Defaults to
[255, 255, 255]
, or white.border_thickness (int) – The thickness of the border between the images. Defaults to 1.
text_color (Tuple[int, int, int]) – The color of the text to use for the image labels. Defaults to
[255, 255, 255]
, or white.text_font (int) – An OpenCV font to use for the image labels.
text_scale (int) – Scaling factor for label text. Defaults to 1.
text_thickness (int) – Thickness of the label text. Defaults to 2.
- get_image() ndarray [source]¶
Returns the image grid, with labels and borders.
- Returns
The grid image, with decorations.
- Return type
- property image: ndarray¶
Returns the decorated grid image. Equivalent to calling
.- Returns
The grid image, with decorations.
- Return type
- set_image(key: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], img: ndarray)[source]¶
Sets the content of one pane in the image grid.
- Parameters
key (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]) – The index of the pane to set to the update. If an integer, the pane at that index is updated (counting left to right, then top to bottom). If a tuple, then the pane at
(row, col)
is updated.img (np.ndarray) – Array with shape
(m, n, 3)
or(m, n, 1)
representing the image to insert in the pane specified in key. If a one-channel image, first convert grayscale to BGR. Ifkeep_ratio
was True in constructor, will add black bars as necessary to fill pane. Otherwise, use standard cv2.resize to fit img into pane.
- Raises
AssertionError – If key is wrong type of out of bounds.
- class mil_vision_tools.ImageSet[source]¶
Represents a set of images passed to ImageProc. After then algorithm operates on the raw image, the other parameters are completed as well.
- color_encoding¶
The color encoding used in the images, if relevant. May be
if never set.- Type
- raw¶
The raw image used.
- Type
- mono¶
The mono image output (in
colorspace).- Type
- rect¶
The rectified image used (using the mono image).
- Type
- color¶
The color image output.
- Type
- rect_color¶
The rectified image output (using the color image).
- Type
- class mil_vision_tools.ImageProc[source]¶
Translation of image_proc processor, originally in C++. Used to debayer and rectify images. Use a bitmask assembled from the below flags to change the behavior of process.
- bridge¶
The ROS bridge to OpenCV.
- Type
- static process(raw_msg: Image, model: Optional[PinholeCameraModel], out: ImageSet, flags: int) None [source]¶
Given an original image message (sensor_msgs/Image), fill in the out ImageSet with the processed (debayered, rectified, grayscaled) images (in numpy format) based on the flags.
- Parameters
raw_msg (
) – Original image message to process.model (Optional[PinholeCameraModel]) – Camera model used to rectify images if
flag is set. If images do not need to be rectified, then usingNone
for this attribute is acceptable.out (ImageSet) – The requested images will be set in out based on the flags bitmask.
flags (int) – A bitmask of the flags inticating which processed images you want in out. For example, using the
ImageProc.RECT_COLOR | ImageColor.RECT
mask will fill in the raw, rect_color, and rect images in the output.
- Raises
Exception – The
parameter is not an instance ofPinholeCameraModel
, but a rectified image is desired.
- defupdate
- class mil_vision_tools.TrackedObject(id: int, stamp: rospy.Time, features: list[Any], data: Any | None = None)[source]¶
Contains a single object tracked by an
instance.- created_at¶
A timestamp of when the object was observed.
- Type
- stamp¶
A timestamp of when the object was most recently observed.
- Type
- features¶
A list of features used by
.- Type
- Parameters
id (int) – A unique id for this object.
stamp (rospy.Time) – Time stamp object was observed.
features (List[Any]) – Feature set used by the specific implementation of ObjectsTracker.
data (Optional[Any]) – Optional additional application-specific data to track
- property age¶
Difference in time between when the object was most recently observed compared to when it was first observed.
- Returns
The difference in the times.
- Return type
- class mil_vision_tools.ObjectsTracker(expiration_seconds: int = 5, max_distance: float = 0)[source]¶
Tracks an arbitrary number of objects over time based on a disance metric. Useful for finicky computer vision programs, ensuring an object was observed in multiple recent frames before using for autonomy.
This is an abstract class, meaning that you must use a child class that implements the required methods.
- expiration_seconds¶
A duration object representing the maximum time that old objects can be kept before being removed.
- Type
- objects¶
A list of objects being tracked.
- Type
- max_id¶
The maximum ID being used amongst the objects. This ID is used when constructing new objects, after which, it is incremented by one.
- Type
- Parameters
- add_observation(stamp: rospy.Time, features: list[Any], data: Any | None = None) TrackedObject [source]¶
Add a new observation to the tracked objects.
- Parameters
stamp (rospy.Time) – Time object representing the time this observation arrived.
features (List[Any]) – A list of features to find the distance of, relative to the features stored by each object.
data (Optional[Any]) – Optional data to store with each object. Defaults to
- Returns
The object that was first updated, or the new object that was just constructed.
- Return type
- clear_expired(now: rospy.Time | None = None)[source]¶
Deletes expired objects. Should be called frequently to clear expired objects.
- Parameters
now (rospy.Time) – The time to compare to each object’s timestamp to see if it has expired and needs to be removed from
- get_persistent_objects(min_observations: int = 10, min_age: rospy.Duration = rospy.Duration[0]) list[TrackedObject] [source]¶
Get a list of objects which have persisted sufficiently long.
- Parameters
min_observations (int) – Minimum number of times the object was seen to be returned. Defaults to 10.
min_age (rospy.Duration) – Minimum age an object must be to be returned in result. Defaults to a duration of zero.
- Returns
List of tracked objects meeting the above criteria.
- Return type
- clsRectFinder.from_polygon
- defdraw_model
- defget_corners
- defget_pose_2D
- defget_pose_3D
- defto_polygon
- defverify_contour
- class mil_vision_tools.RectFinder(length: float = 1.0, width: float = 1.0)[source]¶
Keeps a model of a rectangle in meters, providing utility functions to find 2D and 3D pose estimations of rectangles matching this model found in a computer vision program.
- model_3D¶
The internal model of the three-dimensional rectangle.
- Type
Initializes the internal model of the rectangle. If width > length, the two will be reversed so that length is always the longer side.
- Parameters
- draw_model(size: tuple[int, int] = (500, 500), border: int = 25) np.ndarray [source]¶
Returns a 1 channel image displaying the internal model of the rectangle. Useful for visually checking that your model is reasonable. Also useful to see what orientation of a contour will be considered 0 rotation in
.- Parameters
- Returns
A one channel image with shape specified by size param with internal model drawn in white surrounded by a black border
- Return type
- classmethod from_polygon(polygon: Polygon) RectFinder [source]¶
Creates a RectFinder from a
message.The length of the class becomes the range of x/y (whichever larger). The width becomes the range of x/y (whichever shorter).
- Parameters
polygon (
) – The polygon to construct the class from.- Raises
AssertionError – The polygon parameter is not an instance of
.- Returns
A new instance of the class.
- Return type
- get_corners(contour: np.ndarray, debug_image: bool | None = None, epsilon_range: tuple[float, float] = (0.01, 0.1), epsilon_step: float = 0.01) np.ndarray | None [source]¶
Attempts to find the 4 corners of a contour representing a quadrilateral.
If the corners are found, it returns these 4 points sorted as described in
. These corners can be used forget_pose_2D()
.If a 4 sided polygon cannot be approximated, returns
.- Parameters
contour (np.ndarray) – The contour of the image.
debug_image (Optional[bool]) – If not
, will draw corners with text for indexes onto image.epsilon_range (Tuple[float, float]) – Tuple of two epsilon values (factor of contour arclength) to try for polygon approx.
epsilon_step (float) – How much to increment epsilon each time while iterating through epsilon_range.
- Returns
The array, if it can be approximated.
- Return type
- get_pose_2D(corners: np.ndarray) tuple[Any, Any] [source]¶
Finds the 2D center of the rectangle and a unit direction vector along the length of the rectangle in pixels….
- Parameters
corners (np.ndarray) – 4x2 numpy array from
representingimage. (the 4 sorted corners in the) –
- Returns
A tuple representing
(center, vector)
.- Return type
Tuple[Any, Any]
- get_pose_3D(corners: np.ndarray, intrinsics: np.ndarray | None = None, dist_coeffs: np.ndarray | None = None, cam: PinholeCameraModel | None = None, rectified: bool = False) tuple[Any, Any] [source]¶
Uses the model of the object, the corresponding pixels in the image, and camera intrinsics to estimate a 3D pose of the object.
must be provided, orintrinsics
.- Parameters
corners (np.ndarray) – 4x2 numpy array from
representing the 4 sorted corners in the (Optional[PinholeCameraModel]) – The camera model.
rectified (bool) – If
is set, set True if corners were found in an already rectified image (image_rect_color topic).intrinsics (np.ndarray) – Camera intrinisic matrix.
dist_coeffs (np.ndarray) – Camera distortion coefficients.
- Returns
Represents the translation and rotation vector between the camera and the object in meters/radians. Use cv2.Rodrigues to convert
to a 3x3 rotation matrix.- Return type
Tuple[Any, Any]
- static sort_corners(rect: np.ndarray, debug_image: bool | None = None) np.ndarray [source]¶
Given a contour of 4 points, returns the same 4 points sorted in a known way. Used so that indices of contour line up to that in model for cv2.solvePnp
- Parameters
rect (np.ndarray) – An array representing the contour of 4 points.
debug_image (Optional[bool]) – If not None, puts a circle and text of the index in each corner.
p[0] = Top left corner 0--1 1--------2 p[1] = Top right corner | | or | | p[2] = Bottom right corner | | 0--------3 p[3] = Bottom left corner 3--2
- deffind_objects
- class mil_vision_tools.VisionNode[source]¶
ABC class to be used unify the interfacing for MIL’s computer vision scripts. Handles the bootstrap of image subscription, enable/disable, etc. Provides a callback for new images which is expected to return.
- camera_model¶
Camera model used throughout the class. Initially set to
, but later set to an instance of the pinhole camera model when enabled.- Type
- abstract find_objects(img: ndarray) List[ObjectInImage] [source]¶
Given an image as a source, this abstract method should be overridden to return a list of
.- Parameters
img (np.ndarray) – The source image.
- Returns
A list of the objects found in the image.
- Return type
Most of the methods/attributes for this class are private, which is why none appear. To have these documented, either make these public or discuss the option of documenting private C++ class members with a software lead.
- funcClosedCurve
- funcapplyPerturbation
- funcperturb
- funcvalidateCurve
class ClosedCurve¶
Public Functions
ClosedCurve(std::vector<cv::Point2i> points)¶
Initializes a new closed curve with a given set of points. No operations are completed upon initialization; only internal attributes are stored.
- Parameters
points – A list of points which comprise the curve.
void applyPerturbation(const std::vector<uint8_t> &perturbation, int idx)¶
ClosedCurve perturb(const std::vector<uint8_t> &perturbation, int idx)¶
Public Static Functions
static bool validateCurve(std::vector<cv::Point2i> &curve)¶
struct Perturbation¶
ClosedCurve(std::vector<cv::Point2i> points)¶
- funcActiveContour
class ActiveContour¶
Public Functions
Default constructor for the ActiveContour class. Does not appear to have definition.
- funcCameraObserver
- funcgetCameraModelPtr
- funcget_color_observations
- funcok
- funcoperator()
class CameraObserver¶
Public Functions
CameraObserver(ros::NodeHandle &nh, std::string &pcd_in_topic, std::string &cam_topic, size_t hist_size)¶
inline std::shared_ptr<image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel> getCameraModelPtr() const¶
inline std::vector<ColorObservation> operator()(const PCD<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr &pcd)¶
inline bool ok() const¶
ColorObservation::VecImg get_color_observations(const PCD<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr &pcd)¶
CameraObserver(ros::NodeHandle &nh, std::string &pcd_in_topic, std::string &cam_topic, size_t hist_size)¶
struct ColorObservation¶
struct PointColorStats¶
- funcPcdColorizer
- funcPcdColorizer
- func_color_pcd
- func_transform_to_cam
- funcok
- func~PcdColorizer
class PcdColorizer¶
Public Functions
PcdColorizer(ros::NodeHandle nh, std::string input_pcd_topic)¶
Public constructor to initialize a new colorizer.
- Parameters
nh – The node handle to initialize the colorizer with.
input_pcd_topic – The name of the topic serving point clouds.
inline bool ok() const¶
Returns true if ROS and the class are functioning properly.
PcdColorizer(ros::NodeHandle nh, std::string input_pcd_topic, std::string output_pcd_topic, std::string rgb_cam_topic, std::string rgb_cam_frame)¶
inline ~PcdColorizer()¶
void _transform_to_cam()¶
void _color_pcd()¶
PcdColorizer(ros::NodeHandle nh, std::string input_pcd_topic)¶
- funcSingleCloudProcessor
- funcok
- funcoperator()
class SingleCloudProcessor¶
Public Functions
SingleCloudProcessor(ros::NodeHandle nh, std::string &in_pcd_topic, size_t hist_size)¶
Constructs a new cloud processor.
- Parameters
nh – The node handle for the class.
in_pcd_topic – The name of the topic supplying point clouds.
hist_size – The size of the image history buffer.
void operator()(const PCD<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr &pcd)¶
Incomplete method. Aside from printing debug statements, does no actions.
inline bool ok() const¶
Returns true if ROS and the class are functioning properly.
SingleCloudProcessor(ros::NodeHandle nh, std::string &in_pcd_topic, size_t hist_size)¶
enum class mil_vision::PixelType¶
enumerator _8UC1¶
enumerator _8SC1¶
enumerator _16UC1¶
enumerator _16SC1¶
enumerator _32SC1¶
enumerator _32FC1¶
enumerator _64FC1¶
enumerator _8UC2¶
enumerator _8SC2¶
enumerator _16UC2¶
enumerator _16SC2¶
enumerator _32SC2¶
enumerator _32FC2¶
enumerator _64FC2¶
enumerator _8UC3¶
enumerator _8SC3¶
enumerator _16UC3¶
enumerator _16SC3¶
enumerator _32SC3¶
enumerator _32FC3¶
enumerator _64FC3¶
enumerator _8UC4¶
enumerator _8SC4¶
enumerator _16UC4¶
enumerator _16SC4¶
enumerator _32SC4¶
enumerator _32FC4¶
enumerator _64FC4¶
enumerator _UNKNOWN¶
enumerator _8UC1¶
- funcCameraFrame
- funcCameraFrame
- funcCameraFrame
- funccopyImgTo
- funcgetCameraModelPtr
- funcgetImageScale
- funcimage
- funcisCameraGeometryKnown
- funcrectified
- funcseq
- funcstamp
template<typename cam_model_ptr_t = std::shared_ptr<image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel>, typename img_scalar_t = uint8_t, typename time_t_ = ros::Time, typename float_t = float>
class CameraFrame¶ Public Functions
inline CameraFrame()¶
Default constructor for the class. Does not complete any actions; serves as an empty constructor.
inline CameraFrame(const CameraFrame &other)¶
Copy constructor for the class.
CameraFrame(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image_msg_ptr, cam_model_ptr_t &cam_model_ptr, bool is_rectified = false, float_t store_at_scale = 1.0)¶
Constructs a class instance from a ROS message.
- Parameters
image_msg_ptr – A pointer to the image message.
cam_model_ptr – A pointer to the camera model.
is_rectified – Whether the image is rectified (camera geometry has been taken into account).
store_at_scale – The scale to store the image at.
inline cam_model_ptr_t getCameraModelPtr() const¶
Returns a pointer to the camera model.
- Returns
The pointer.
inline unsigned int seq() const¶
Representing the sequence number of camera frames which have come from the same source.
These progressively increase over time as more camrea frame objects are generated.
- Returns
The sequence number.
inline time_t_ stamp() const¶
Returns the timestamp associated with the image.
- Returns
The timestamp.
inline const cv::Mat_<img_scalar_t> &image() const¶
Returns an image mat representing the image.
- Returns
The image as an OpenCV mat.
inline bool rectified() const¶
Whether the image has been rectified using the disortion parameters specified by the camera model.
- Returns
Whether the rectification has occurred.
inline float_t getImageScale() const¶
The scale of the image. A scale of 1 represents an image that is its true size and is not scaled.
- Returns
The scale.
inline void copyImgTo(cv::Mat dest) const¶
Copies the image to another OpenCV mat.
inline bool isCameraGeometryKnown() const¶
Returns true if the camera geometry is NOT specified.
- Returns
Whether the camera geometry has been specified.
inline CameraFrame()¶
- funcImageWithCameraInfo
- funcImageWithCameraInfo
- funcoperator<
struct ImageWithCameraInfo¶
Packages corresponding sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr and sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr into one object. Containers of these objects can be sorted by their image_time attribute.
Public Functions
inline ImageWithCameraInfo()¶
ImageWithCameraInfo(sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr _image_msg_ptr, sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr _info_msg_ptr)¶
inline bool operator<(const ImageWithCameraInfo &right) const¶
inline ImageWithCameraInfo()¶
- funcFrameHistory
- funcframes_available
- funcget_frame_history
- funcimage_callback
- func~FrameHistory
class FrameHistory¶
Object that subscribes itself to an image topic and stores up to a user defined number of ImageWithCameraInfo objects. The frame history can then be retrieved in whole or just a portion.
Public Functions
FrameHistory(std::string img_topic, unsigned int hist_size)¶
void image_callback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image_msg, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info_msg)¶
std::vector<ImageWithCameraInfo> get_frame_history(unsigned int frames_requested)¶
int frames_available()¶
FrameHistory(std::string img_topic, unsigned int hist_size)¶
struct Range¶
Helper struct to show a range between two numbers.
- funcCameraFrameSequence
- funcCameraFrameSequence
- funcCameraFrameSequence
- funccols
- funcgetCameraModelPtr
- funcgetFrameFromTime
- funcisGeometryConst
- funcoperator[]
- funcrows
- funcsize
- func~CameraFrameSequence
template<typename cam_model_ptr_t, typename img_scalar_t, typename time_t_, typename float_t = float>
class CameraFrameSequence¶ Public Types
using CamFrame = CameraFrame<cam_model_ptr_t, img_scalar_t, time_t_, float_t>¶
using CamFrameSequence = CameraFrameSequence<cam_model_ptr_t, img_scalar_t, time_t_, float_t>¶
using CircularBuffer = boost::circular_buffer<CamFramePtr>¶
Public Functions
CameraFrameSequence() = default¶
Default constructor for the class. Equivalent to the true default constructor.
CameraFrameSequence(const CameraFrameSequence&) = delete¶
Forbidden copy constructor. Set to the delete operator.
CameraFrameSequence(CameraFrameSequence&&) = delete¶
Forbidden move constructor. Set to the delete operator.
virtual ~CameraFrameSequence() = default¶
virtual size_t size() const = 0¶
virtual cam_model_ptr_t getCameraModelPtr() const = 0¶
virtual bool isGeometryConst() const = 0¶
virtual int rows() const = 0¶
virtual int cols() const = 0¶
virtual CamFrameConstPtr getFrameFromTime(time_t_) = 0¶
Returns a copy of the CameraFrame taken closest to the given time.
- Parameters
time_t_ – The time to query.
virtual CamFrameConstPtr operator[](int) = 0¶
Returns reference to the nth frame from the most recent. For example frame_sequence[0] is the most recent frame, frame_sequence[-1] is the oldest frame, and frame_sequence[-2] is the second oldest frame.
using CamFrame = CameraFrame<cam_model_ptr_t, img_scalar_t, time_t_, float_t>¶
- funcCameraModel
- func~CameraModel
template<typename T = float>
class CameraModel¶
- funcROSCameraStream
- funcbegin
- funccols
- funcend
- funcgetCameraModelPtr
- funcgetFrameFromTime
- funcinit
- funcisGeometryConst
- funcok
- funcoperator[]
- funcrows
- funcsize
- func~ROSCameraStream
template<typename img_scalar_t = uint8_t, typename float_t = float>
class ROSCameraStream : public mil_vision::CameraFrameSequence<std::shared_ptr<image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel>, uint8_t, ros::Time, float>¶ Public Types
using CamFrame = CameraFrame<cam_model_ptr_t, img_scalar_t, time_t_, float_t>¶
using CamFrameSequence = CameraFrameSequence<cam_model_ptr_t, img_scalar_t, time_t_, float_t>¶
using CircularBuffer = boost::circular_buffer<CamFramePtr>¶
Public Functions
inline ROSCameraStream(ros::NodeHandle nh, size_t buffer_size)¶
bool init(std::string &camera_topic)¶
inline bool ok()¶
inline CircularBuffer::iterator begin() const¶
inline CircularBuffer::iterator end() const¶
inline size_t size() const¶
inline cam_model_ptr_t getCameraModelPtr() const¶
inline bool isGeometryConst() const¶
inline int rows() const¶
inline int cols() const¶
virtual CamFrameConstPtr getFrameFromTime(ros::Time desired_time)¶
Returns a copy of the CameraFrame taken closest to the given time.
- Parameters
time_t_ – The time to query.
virtual CamFrameConstPtr operator[](int i)¶
Returns reference to the nth frame from the most recent. For example frame_sequence[0] is the most recent frame, frame_sequence[-1] is the oldest frame, and frame_sequence[-2] is the second oldest frame.
using CamFrame = CameraFrame<cam_model_ptr_t, img_scalar_t, time_t_, float_t>¶
- funcPcdSubPubAlgorithm
- funcPcdSubPubAlgorithm
- funcactivated
- funcok
- funcswitchActivation
- func~PcdSubPubAlgorithm
template<typename output_T = pcl::PointXYZ, typename input_T = pcl::PointXYZ>
class PcdSubPubAlgorithm¶
- funcImagePublisher
- funcpublish
class ImagePublisher¶
Abstraction for publishing images to without the necessary boiler plate. All that’s needed to publish an image is a cv::Mat.
Public Functions
ImagePublisher(const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const std::string &topic, const std::string &encoding = "bgr8", int queue_size = 1)¶
Creates an ImagePublisher in the namespace of nh.
- Parameters
nh – NodeHandle to have node in the correct namespace.
topic – Camera topic to publish images to.
encoding – Type of image encoding
queue_size – Size of the queue for the publisher.
void publish(cv::Mat &image_arg)¶
Publishes an OpenCV image.
- Parameters
image_arg – OpenCV image to publish.
ImagePublisher(const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const std::string &topic, const std::string &encoding = "bgr8", int queue_size = 1)¶
- funcImageSubscriber
- funcT
- funcgetLastImageTime
- funcimageCallbackCopy
- funcimageCallbackReference
- funcinfoCallback
- funcwaitForCameraInfo
- funcwaitForCameraModel
class ImageSubscriber¶
Abstraction for subscribing to image outputs and their info. This returns a copy or reference of the image depending on what you specify in the constructor. The camera info contains valuable information such as the camera matrix and will exit gracefully if not found.
Public Functions
template<typename T>
inline ImageSubscriber(const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const std::string &topic, void (T::* func)(cv::Mat&), T *object, bool use_copy = true, const std::string &encoding = "bgr8", int queue_size = 1)¶ Create an ImageSubscriber using a class member function as the function callback.
- Parameters
nh – NodeHandle for the node that is subscribing to a camera topic.
topic – Contains the camera topic to subscribe to.
func – Function pointer to class member callback function.
object – Pointer to object that function belongs to.
use_copy – Whether to use a copy or reference of the converted image. If unsure use copy.
encoding – Type of encoding for camera topic.
queue_size – Queue size to use for subscriber.
inline ImageSubscriber(const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const std::string &topic, void (*func)(cv::Mat&), bool use_copy = true, const std::string &encoding = "bgr8", int queue_size = 1)¶
Create an ImageSubscriber using a normal function as the function callback.
- Parameters
nh – NodeHandle for the node that is subscribing to a camera topic.
topic – Contains the camera topic to subscribe to.
func – Function pointer to callback function.
use_copy – Whether to use a copy or reference of the converted image. If unsure use copy.
encoding – Type of encoding for camera topic.
queue_size – Queue size to use for subscriber.
inline boost::optional<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo> waitForCameraInfo(unsigned int timeout = 10)¶
Safely returns the camera info if it is found. Waits for timeout seconds to receive the camera info.
- Parameters
timeout – Time in seconds to wait for camera info to be received.
- Returns
optional value to return data if available otherwise nothing if not.
inline bool waitForCameraModel(image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel &pinhole_camera, unsigned int timeout = 10)¶
Waits for camera info to be received and fills in the given PinholeCameraModel with the data from it.
- Parameters
pinhole_camera – PineholeCameraModel to store the resulting camera model in.
timeout – Time in seconds to wait for camera info to be received.
- Returns
true if data is received, false otherwise.
inline void infoCallback(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo &info)¶
Function callback for camera info.
- Parameters
info – Camera info message from ROS.
inline void imageCallbackCopy(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image)¶
Function callback for the image copy.
- Parameters
image – Image message from ROS.
inline void imageCallbackReference(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image)¶
Function callback for the image reference.
- Parameters
image – Image message from ROS.
inline boost::optional<std_msgs::Time> getLastImageTime()¶
Returns the timestamp for the last image.
- Returns
optional value containing the time the last image was received.
template<typename T>