Source code for mil_vision_tools.vision_node

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import abc
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np
import rospy
from image_geometry import PinholeCameraModel
from mil_msgs.msg import ObjectInImage, ObjectsInImage
from mil_ros_tools import Image_Subscriber, numpy_to_point2d
from std_srvs.srv import SetBool

__author__ = "Kevin Allen"

[docs]def create_object_msg( name: str, confidence: Optional[float] = None, center: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, contour: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, rect: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, attributes: str = "", ): """ Helper function to create a ``mil_msgs/ObjectInImage`` message. Only one of center, contour, or rect should be set, depending on what information is needed/available in your application. Args: name (str): Name of the identified object. attributes (str): Attributes to attach to message, the purpose and value of this attribute will vary by application. Defaults to an empty string. confidence (Optional[float]): Float between 0 and 1 describing the confidence that name is correct for this object. Leave as ``None`` if confidence is not known (will be set to -1). center (Optional[np.ndarray]): ``[x, y]`` of the center point of the object. contour (Optional[np.ndarray]): Nx1x2 or Nx2 numpy array of pixels making up the contour around the object. rect (Optional[np.ndarray]): A 4 wide tuple/array-like representing the bounding box around the object as ``(X, Y, width, height)``, which is the representation returned by cv2.boundingRect. Returns: ObjectInImage: Message object filled as described above. """ # Create message msg = ObjectInImage() # Fill name and attributes from argument = name msg.attributes = attributes # Fill confidence from argument if given, otherwise use -1 if confidence is None: msg.confidence = -1.0 else: msg.confidence = confidence # Fill points with contour, rect, or center depending on which is set if contour is not None: # Reshape to Nx2 in case input was given in cv's native Nx1x2 shape if len(contour.shape) == 3: contour = contour.reshape((contour.shape[0], contour.shape[2])) for point in contour: msg.points.append(numpy_to_point2d(point)) elif rect is not None: # Add rectangle as upper left and bottom right points ul = np.array(rect[0:2]) br = ul + np.array(rect[2:]) msg.points.append(numpy_to_point2d(ul)) msg.points.append(numpy_to_point2d(br)) elif center is not None: # Add center tuple as single point msg.points.append(numpy_to_point2d(center)) return msg
[docs]class VisionNode(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ ABC class to be used unify the interfacing for MIL's computer vision scripts. Handles the bootstrap of image subscription, enable/disable, etc. Provides a callback for new images which is expected to return. Attributes: camera_model (Optional[:class:`PinholeCameraModel`]): Camera model used throughout the class. Initially set to ``None``, but later set to an instance of the pinhole camera model when enabled. """ def __init__(self): self._objects_pub = rospy.Publisher( "~identified_objects", ObjectsInImage, queue_size=3, ) self._camera_info = None self.camera_model = None self._enabled = False self._image_sub = Image_Subscriber("image", callback=self._img_cb) if rospy.get_param("~autostart", default=False): self._enable() else: self._disable() self._enable_srv = rospy.Service("~enable", SetBool, self._enable_cb) def _enable_cb(self, req): if and not self._enabled: self._enable() elif not and self._enabled: self._disable() return {"success": True} def _enable(self): if self._camera_info is None: self._camera_info = self._image_sub.wait_for_camera_info() self.camera_model = PinholeCameraModel() self.camera_model.fromCameraInfo(self._camera_info) self._enabled = True rospy.loginfo("Enabled.") def _disable(self): self._enabled = False rospy.loginfo("Disabled.") def _img_cb(self, img): if not self._enabled: return msg = ObjectsInImage() msg.header = self._image_sub.last_image_header msg.objects = self.find_objects(img) if not isinstance(msg.objects, list) or ( len(msg.objects) and not isinstance(msg.objects[0], ObjectInImage) ): rospy.logwarn( "find_objects did not return a list of mil_msgs/ObjectInImage message. Ignoring.", ) self._objects_pub.publish(msg)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def find_objects(self, img: np.ndarray) -> List[ObjectInImage]: """ Given an image as a source, this abstract method should be overridden to return a list of :class:`ObjectInImage`. Args: img (np.ndarray): The source image. Returns: List[ObjectInImage]: A list of the objects found in the image. """
if __name__ == "__main__": """ When this library is run as an executable, run a demo class. """ import cv2 from cv_tools import contour_centroid class VisionNodeExample(VisionNode): """ Example implementation of a VisionNode, useful only for reference in real applications """ def __init__(self): # Call base class's init. Important to do this if you override __init__ in child class. super().__init__() def find_objects(self, img): # Get a list of contours in image blurred = cv2.blur(img, (5, 5)) edges = cv2.Canny(blurred, 100, 200) _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours( edges, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, ) contours = np.array(contours) objects = [] # Add each contour, randomly choosing center, contour, or rect to demonstrate all three # In real application, only one of the three methods will be used depending on the algorithm # and what information is needed. for idx, contour in enumerate(contours): # Demonstration of adding an object where only the center point can be identified if idx % 3 == 0: try: center = contour_centroid(contour) except ZeroDivisionError: continue objects.append( create_object_msg("contour", center=center, attributes="green"), ) # Demonstration of adding an object where the entire contour outline can be identified if idx % 3 == 1: objects.append( create_object_msg("contour", contour=contour, confidence=0.5), ) # Demonstration of adding an object where a bounding rectangle can be identified if idx % 3 == 2: objects.append( create_object_msg( "contour", rect=cv2.boundingRect(contour), confidence=0.8, ), ) # Log that an image has been received for debugging this demo rospy.loginfo("Image") return objects rospy.init_node("vision_node_example") node = VisionNodeExample() rospy.spin()