Source code for mil_vision_tools.objects_tracker

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import rospy

__author__ = "Kevin Allen"

[docs]class TrackedObject: """ Contains a single object tracked by an :class:`ObjectsTracker` instance. Attributes: id (int): The ID of the tracked object. created_at (rospy.Time): A timestamp of when the object was observed. stamp (rospy.Time): A timestamp of when the object was most recently observed. features (List[Any]): A list of features used by :class:`ObjectsTracker`. observations (int): A number of observations executed on the object. """ data: np.ndarray | None def __init__( self, id: int, stamp: rospy.Time, features: list[Any], data: Any | None = None, ): """ Args: id (int): A unique id for this object. stamp (rospy.Time): Time stamp object was observed. features (List[Any]): Feature set used by the specific implementation of ObjectsTracker. data (Optional[Any]): Optional additional application-specific data to track """ = id self.created_at = stamp self.observations = 0 self.update(stamp, features, data)
[docs] def update( self, stamp: rospy.Time, features: list[Any], data: np.ndarray | None = None, ) -> None: """ Update an object's metadata. Args: stamp (rospy.Time): Time stamp object was just observed in. features (List[Any]): Feature set used by the specific implementation of ObjectsTracker. """ = data self.stamp = stamp self.features = features self.observations += 1
@property def age(self): """ Difference in time between when the object was most recently observed compared to when it was first observed. Returns: genpy.Duration: The difference in the times. """ return self.stamp - self.created_at def __str__(self): return f"TrackedObject(id={}, observations={self.observations}, age={self.age.to_sec()}s)"
[docs]class ObjectsTracker: """ Tracks an arbitrary number of objects over time based on a disance metric. Useful for finicky computer vision programs, ensuring an object was observed in multiple recent frames before using for autonomy. This is an abstract class, meaning that you must use a child class that implements the required methods. Attributes: expiration_seconds (rospy.Duration): A duration object representing the maximum time that old objects can be kept before being removed. max_distance (float): THe maximum distance two objects can be away to be matched. objects (List[TrackedObject]): A list of objects being tracked. max_id (int): The maximum ID being used amongst the objects. This ID is used when constructing new objects, after which, it is incremented by one. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta objects: list[TrackedObject] def __init__(self, expiration_seconds: int = 5, max_distance: float = 0): """ Args: expiration_seconds (int): Longest time, in seconds, for old objects to be kept. max_distance (float): Maximum distance two objects can be away to be matched. """ self.expiration_seconds = rospy.Duration(expiration_seconds) self.max_distance = max_distance self.max_id = 0 self.objects = []
[docs] def add_observation( self, stamp: rospy.Time, features: list[Any], data: Any | None = None, ) -> TrackedObject: """ Add a new observation to the tracked objects. Args: stamp (rospy.Time): Time object representing the time this observation arrived. features (List[Any]): A list of features to find the distance of, relative to the features stored by each object. data (Optional[Any]): Optional data to store with each object. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: TrackedObject: The object that was first updated, or the new object that was just constructed. """ for obj in self.objects: if self.distance(obj.features, features) < self.max_distance: obj.update(stamp, features, data=data) return obj # No match found, add new new_obj = TrackedObject(self.max_id, stamp, features, data=data) self.max_id += 1 self.objects.append(new_obj) return new_obj
[docs] def clear_expired(self, now: rospy.Time | None = None): """ Deletes expired objects. Should be called frequently to clear expired objects. Args: now (rospy.Time): The time to compare to each object's timestamp to see if it has expired and needs to be removed from :attr:`.objects`. """ if now is None: now = self.objects = list( filter(lambda obj: now - obj.stamp < self.expiration_seconds, self.objects), )
[docs] def get_persistent_objects( self, min_observations: int = 10, min_age: rospy.Duration = rospy.Duration(0), ) -> list[TrackedObject]: """ Get a list of objects which have persisted sufficiently long. Args: min_observations (int): Minimum number of times the object was seen to be returned. Defaults to 10. min_age (rospy.Duration): Minimum age an object must be to be returned in result. Defaults to a duration of zero. Returns: List[TrackedObject]: List of tracked objects meeting the above criteria. """ return list( filter( lambda obj: obj.age >= min_age and obj.observations >= min_observations, self.objects, ), )
@abc.abstractmethod def distance(self, a: Any, b: Any) -> float: pass
class CentroidObjectsTracker(ObjectsTracker): """ Implements ObjectsTracker, using the distance between centroids of observations to track. Features must be added as a (2,) numpy array (Cx, Cy) """ def __init__(self, max_distance=10.0, **kwargs): super().__init__(max_distance=max_distance, **kwargs) def distance(self, a, b): """ Calculates distance by the euclidean distance between the centroids """ return np.linalg.norm(a - b)