MIL Network

MIL uses a standardized network infrastruction that is available in MIL’s rooms and is duplicated for field testing by the network box.


The MIL Lan uses subnet with mask In other words, all local devices on MIL’s network will have an ipv4 address in the form 192.168.37.x.


The MIL network has a DHCP server which will assign a local IP to connected devices automatically. Some important devices, such as servers and vehicles, have a static IP address. Other devices are given the next unused IP from the pool within to

Connect to Robot / other ROS networks

ROS can be configured to talk only on your local machine, or allow communication from your machine to another, such as one of our robots or a simulation server.

This is done using ROS environment variables.

Assuming you have followed the Getting Started Guide, you can use the function ros_connect to set this up.

Run ros_connect -h for an up to date list of options. For example, run ros_connect sub to setup this terminal (and children terminals, such as a tmux session) to allow your ros nodes, such as rviz, to talk to the ros nodes on SubjuGator.