
At MIL, we use a lot of scripts to help us complete tasks quickly! Check out some things you can do with them:

Occupancy Grid

Draw an occupancy grid:

$ roscd mil_tools && ./mil_tools/nodes/

Maintains a bag file with multiple topics:

$ roscd mil_tools && ./mil_tools/nodes/

Keyboard Control

To control the robot using the keyboard, use the KeyboardClient and KeyboardServer classes inside of the navigator_keyboard_control package.

The two nodes within the package can be run through rosrun.


Clear an alarm:

$ roscd ros_alarms && rosrun nodes/clear

Monitor an alarm:

$ roscd ros_alarms && rosrun nodes/monitor

Raise an alarm:

$ roscd ros_alarms && rosrun nodes/raise

Reports the status of an alarm:

$ roscd ros_alarms && rosrun nodes/report