

  • After each use of the machine, be sure to clean the dust on the platform and drive unit. Use compressed air to blow dust out of the control box (Do not use brushes or any other tools which could produce electrostatic electricity), check the screws of the wire plugs to ensure an optimal contact.

  • The rails need to be lubed weekly (hg50 linear bearings but not 100% sure). It may even have provisions for internal lube but either way this should be conducted to preserve the life of the rails.If machine is not used often, lubing frequency can be decreased.

  • The coolant needs to be either a legit spindle coolant or antifreeze mixture to kill bacteria. This will do two things at least: preserve the life of the spindle with better cooling properties and also decrease the buildup inside. If water is used for coolant, it can get slimy. As a quick alternative distilled water can be used. Watch out for blocked sediment in the tubes.

  • Keep plenty of isopropyl on hand for aluminum coolant.

  • The lead screw/ballscrews need some lube from time to time. White lithium spray is good as far as our knowledge goes but more research needs to be done to find the best method