Mechanical Onboarding

Welcome to MIL - we’re excited to hear that you’d like to join the mechanical team! The mechanical team is responsible for the design and construction of several components of the robots. As a mechanical member, you will be engaging with CAD files mostly.


If you have not visited with the welcome page and would like a more general overview of MIL, please check that page first!

Join the mechanical channel

Like the other teams, we use Slack as our primary communication platform. Our Slack workspace can be found at Ask someone in MIL to invite you or email

Once you’re on Slack, be sure to join the #mechanical channel. This is where we will post important updates about the mechanical team, including meeting times.

Join our Github

We keep track of our tasks through GitHub issues. In order to contribute to tasks, you need to create an account in GitHub and then email for access to the MIL GitHub organization. Alternatively, you can ask a MIL leader you know to add you to the organization.

You can find the list of issues here. You will notice that there are other issues for the software and electrical teams, which isn’t super helpful for you (unless you want to help out those teams as well!). To filter for Mechanical tasks, click the Label dropdown, and choose the mechanical label.

When you are first getting started, you may also want to find a task that is good for new members. To do this, also select for the good first issue using the Label dropdown, like you did to choose the mechanical label.

When you find a task, make sure to make yourself assigned to it. You can do this in the GitHub UI: click on a task, and on the righthand sidebar, click Assignees and find your username. This will let the other mechanical members and leaders know that you are working on that task.

Join our GrabCAD

You should also ask a leader about joining the mechanical GrabCAD, which is where we store all of our CAD files.

Start to get familiar with our technical projects

Below are some of our current projects:

  • Subjugator 8

  • Subjugator 9 (WIP)

  • NaviGator

  • Drone

For good mechanical resources, check out the Resources page.