
Localization Packages

Sylphase INS


Currently we are investigating 3 types of sensor to be used used for localization:

Inertial Navigator Sensors and GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, etc.)

INS and GNSS are usually coupled into an single device.


  • Directly yields position and orientation data, minimal computation required.

  • RTK and other corrections can greatly boost the accuracy of the position measurement.


  • GNSS data rate is slow < 10Hz

  • Position can drift if too reliant on inertial sensors.

  • GNSS is known to produce large errors if environmental conditions negatively affect the signals.

LIDAR Localization


  • High definition geometric data that can be compared to a know point cloud.

  • Plenty of existing algorithms to do this: e.g NDT Matching

  • Operates in almost any lighting conditions


  • Slow data acquisition rate, at high speeds a mechanical spinning LIDAR would not capture the world correctly

  • Somewhat costly, not as bad anymore

  • Mechanical spinning LIDARS will be affected my the fast movements of the vehicle.

Camera Localization

Camera based localization would rely on algorithm suchs as [ORB-SLAM](https://webdiis.unizar.es/~raulmur/orbslam/) to determine the position and orientation of the sensor with respect to a pre-constructed map.


  • Cheaper than LIDARs most of the time

  • High data acquisition rate, 100+ FPS


  • Camera based computations can be costly which would reduce the effectiveness of their high data acquisition

  • Lighting can extremely affect the usability of the sensor.