
The following example starts a publisher and a subscriber which listens to the messages published by the publisher. After two seconds, it reports how many messages it was able to successfully receive.

import asyncio
from rosgraph_msgs.msg import Clock
from axros import NodeHandle, Publisher, Subscriber
import uvloop

async def pubsub(nh: NodeHandle, pub: Publisher, sub: Subscriber):
    count = 0
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(0)
            msg = (Clock(nh.get_time()))
            recv = await sub.get_next_message()
            if (recv == msg):
                count += 1
        print(f"Eventually, heard {count} messages.")

async def main():
    nh = await NodeHandle.from_argv("node", "", anonymous = True)
    async with nh:
        pub = nh.advertise('clock2', Clock, latching = True)
        sub = nh.subscribe('clock2', Clock)
        await asyncio.gather(pub.setup(), sub.setup())
        pubsub_task = asyncio.create_task(pubsub(nh, pub, sub))
        print("Everything is setup. Waiting two seconds.")
        await asyncio.sleep(2)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The node handle can be used for general purposes, such as parameters and sleeping:

>>> import os
>>> import axros
>>> nh = await NodeHandle("/test", "special_node", "localhost", os.environ["ROS_MASTER_URI"], {})
>>> nh.get_name()
>>> await nh.set_param("special_param", True)
>>> await nh.get_param("special_param")
>>> await nh.delete_param("special_param")
>>> try:
...     await nh.get_param("special_param")
... except axros.ROSMasterException:
...     print("This parameter does not exist!")
This parameter does not exist!
>>> await nh.sleep(2) # Sleeps for 2 seconds

The node handle can also be used for publishing and subscribing to topics. Note that all Publishers and subscribers must be setup.

>>> import os
>>> import axros
>>> nh = await axros.NodeHandle("/test", "special_node", "localhost", os.environ["ROS_MASTER_URI"], {})
>>> from std_msgs.msg import Int32
>>> pub = nh.advertise("running_time", Int32)
>>> await pub.setup()
>>> async def publish():
...     try:
...         count = 0
...         while True:
...             pub.publish(Int32(count))
...             count += 1
...             await asyncio.sleep(1)
...     except asyncio.CancelledError as _:
...         # When task gets cancelled, stop publishing
...         pass
>>> task = asyncio.create_task(publish()) # Start publishing!
>>> sub = nh.subscribe("running_time", Int32)
>>> await sub.setup()
>>> while True:
...     print(await sub.get_next_message())