IndyAV Joydrive Utility¶
How to Use¶
Setting up an Xbox 360 controller¶
roslaunch indyav_launch gazebo.launch
Plug in the controller and check to see if it is recognized.
ls /dev/input/
This outputs a list of input devices in the format shown below:
by-id event0 event2 event4 event6 event8 mouse0 mouse2 uinput
by-path event1 event3 event5 event7 js0 mice mouse1
Joysticks will be listed as jsX.
Running the utility¶
Launch the Joydrive.
roslaunch indyav_launch joydrive.launch
By default, js0 is used by the joydrive utility. To change the input device, pass the name of the input device using the “js” argument.
roslaunch indyav_launch joydrive.launch js:=js1
In a new panel, launch Gazebo for IndyAV.
roslaunch indyav_launch gazebo.launch
In a new panel, launch RVIZ for IndyAV.
In a new panel, launch the Gazebo Client.
Using the utility¶
Moving the left joystick left and right steers the car.
Depressing the right trigger accelerates the car. Releasing the trigger brakes the car.
Optionally, one can view the values for the wheel velocity and steering angle by running the following in new panels:
rostopic echo /throttle
rostopic echo /steering