Path Player

This is a utility that we use to play back a path that we recorded from earlier, so that we can test systems not related to path planning.

Path Player is just an instance of mil_tools TopicRecorder. Its current behavior is that it will publish all messages in a bag file(our recorded path) in sequential order with correct timing between them. This utility is designed to be inherited from and the Play function overridden.

Basic Usage Example

  • Complete the Path Recorder Basic Usage Example First.

  • Launch SubjuGator in gazebo and clear the kill.

  • In a new panel, play the previously recorded bag file. roslaunch indyav_launch path_player.launch

  • Visualize in Rviz by adding /path.

  • Witness the new red arrow trace the path of SubjuGator from earlier.

Source Files

indyav_path PathPlayer:

rosed indyav_path path_player.cpp

mil_tools TopicPlayer:

rosed mil_tools topic_player.hpp


rosed mil_tools topic_player.cpp

launch file:

rosed indyav_launch path_player.launch