IndyAV Gazebo Simulation¶
How to Use¶
Launch Gazebo for IndyAV¶
roslaunch indyav_launch gazebo.launch
Launch RVIZ for IndyAV¶
in a new panel
(this represents what the robot knows)
NOTE: this will not if run in the docker container
Launch the gazebo client (visualizer and gui)¶
in a new panel
(this represents ground truth)
NOTE: this will not if run in the docker container
NOTE: to kill the gazebo client after you are done, usually Ctrl + \
NOTE: gazebogui
is a custom alias we have setup to launch gazebo client with some parameters
Command a Steering angle¶
in a new panel:
rostopic pub /steering indyav_control/SteeringStamped -r 10 '{header: {
seq: 0,
stamp: {
secs: 0,
nsecs: 0},
frame_id: ''},
steering_angle: 0.5}'
Command throttle¶
in a new panel:
rostopic pub /throttle indyav_control/RevsStamped -r 10 '{header: {
seq: 0,
stamp: {
secs: 0,
nsecs: 0},
frame_id: ''},
radians_per_second: 30.000}'
and see the car drive in circles in both Rviz and gazebo client